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Frog Town

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Everything posted by Frog Town

  1. I'll be honest. I'd rather sit in that FGEN band and get snow for 18hrs, than get a crush job for 10 hours and watch it snow to my north. I've watched that way to many times to my north from here in NW OH. Sometimes it's not about how much you get, but the duration and steadiness of it, for me anyway.
  2. Kind of an odd gap there in extreame ne Indiana/NW Ohio, is it not? Ignore that.
  3. Some kind of weird feedback issue on the 00Z NAM in the NW flank of the storm in the 66-80 hour range. Anyone speak to that?
  4. It was '94. First real cold i can remember as a kid.
  5. Wow! What a gradient between the two of us. Must be more dry air up here. I don't like the way the radar is starting to die out. Maybe you'll fair better. Go Yellow Jackets!
  6. While I'd love to agree with you, I think 2" will be tops. I'm in Sylvania with 1.5" at 7pm and the returns are to beginning to die.
  7. Not only does it look to be of interest, but it starts a long stretch of interest!
  8. The Euro is best I've seen regarding temps starting around the 17th. Could this be what we all have been waiting for? Just hope it doesn't end up being suppression. Keep the storm track just south of our sub and it's game on!
  9. It's nice to see this sub forum has some humanity left.
  10. February was the real torcher that winter. Referring to '11/'12
  11. The system around the 7th/8th of January is well adverstised by the non-US models, but not so much by the GFS and others. The other thing that this system has going for it, is the period of transition to a -AO and +PNA. This is typically a good time for our sub forum.
  12. Alright! Is this what we all have been waiting for so "patiently"?? From: 000 FXUS63 KIWX 261120 AFDIWX A sudden stratospheric warming event began over the north pole region this week and this often sends a delayed arctic intrusion plunging into the mid latitudes. 00z models seem to be picking up on this with a dramatic shift to a possible arctic intrusion in the day 7-10 period. 00z long term models have all come in very cold for day 7 and beyond with general differences in strength and timing of this cold air intrusion. Signal is there in most guidance and blends with highs on New Years day or just after likely only in the lower to middle 20s, possibly colder depending on timing. Could be a decent lake response given increased instability but low to mid chance pops in lake favored areas for now. Will also have to watch closely energy ejecting out of southern jet stream. At this time, this energy moves east just ahead of northern stream arctic front. However, faster and more northward ejection of this feature and its associated moisture could lend to more phasing and possible storm system with this arctic front. Will be watching closely.
  13. Anyone else getting the feeling this "Cold" winter is going to turn into a 2 week cold period the last week of January and the first week of Feb?? This is starting to remind me of the cold chasing I did in the winter of '05-'06 and '12-'13. A little discouraged by the CPC's write up for the next 3-4 weeks. They seem to be thinking the opposite of everyone else.
  14. Did you happen to eat green brownies??
  15. Lock it in. It's the 18Z 380hrs out. It's as good as gold......
  16. Is this what will evolve? Cool read for those in the lower lakes https://www.weather.gov/dtx/winter0203review
  17. Eastern Texas is typically a perfect launching spot for most of our sub. But of course a huge high has to sit in the way. Ugh
  18. The simple physics of the air molecules being more dense in colder weather would greatly amplify sound waves, allowing them to hit much harder.
  19. Did I mention the SE MI Snow Magnet is in effect?? Oh yeah, I did. It won't be official until @Hillsdale chimes in, lol.
  20. The Detroit Snow Magnet has begun. SE MI for the Win!
  21. It'll be over SE MI by Saturday.....Snow Magnet Activated!
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