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Frog Town

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Everything posted by Frog Town

  1. It's happening! Finally, something to get excited about on the 12Z. That would make this current shitty December pattern worth it. I think we all suffer from Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder, but in the reverse sense.
  2. A lot of foreshadowing going on here... Hopefully the conversation here in about 3 weeks is one where I'll crack open a Christmas Ale and hunker down for a long night of tracking something special.
  3. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression....and Acceptance. I'm still in the Depression stage.
  4. I'm sure a lot our minds on this forum work this way, but here's my hope... I feel like when we are in a great snowy cold snap, there is always that background noise of pattern change and "enjoy it while it last, it's gonna warm up.." What I'm hoping to hear soon is, -EPO is coming, WPO is setting up perfectly, MJO is moving towards a great position. These are the things that I hope set us up for a nice wintry stretch to end December and last through the new year. Then it can torch all it wants.
  5. I don't have access to the Euro sans the step up at 850, which looks interesting for much of our sub next week. Can anyone add some insight to this??
  6. I know, I know, but what else do we have?? Hope is like water sometimes...
  7. For all the out there.....which is all of us. Accuweather giving part of the sub some love. Thinking a lot of Colorado lows are in our future, with a tight gradient. Kind of seems like a thread the needle White Christmas, doesn't it??
  8. Just when we've all about given up and written Winter Off, he will show up. I think we just about there so I'm getting excited.
  9. Anyone happen to know if the Euro jumped north like all the American models did with the system early next week?
  10. Those are amazing. Last time I saw a legit one in Toledo was during the winter of 13-14.
  11. There are years where it just seems so easy for it to warm up and torch in the East. This year seems different, and watching the ridge continually fail to come east and mature is a good sign for us, IMHO. For whatever interconnected reason, the eastern trough doesn't want to budge, and I like it!
  12. This thread has gone dry and lonely lately but some serious changes goin on that look mighty cold and interesting for December. Would be nice if the trough of interest shifted about 500 miles to the west but I';; take the cold and wintery feel vs. the torch that was rearing it's head previously.
  13. 12Z Euro has some serious eye candy at the end of it's run! That would be cool!
  14. At least in the short term, the Euro keeps reloading the cold in the East. It's the trough that keeps on giving. That would be a great trend for the Winter if it kept up.
  15. It's funny you mention that because I was banking on us getting dry slotted as we typically do. I was shocked to see us get that high as well. The sweet spot was actually progged 45 miles to our SE but ended up over us, shockingly.
  16. Are you referring to the storm on the 15th-sh? That was not a quick hitter for NW Ohio. Toledo express measured 14.1" from that storm alone. I intentionally measured the depth just prior as I have never seen that snow depth in my 45 years in T-Town.
  17. We officially had 14" at Toledo express airport and that was on top of a solid 6" snow pack. We officially set our all time depth record from that storm. Pretty crazy. Glad my kids got to experience it....All thought I may have been more excited.
  18. 100 or a 1000 years from now it will be recognized as the shifting of the seasons..LOL. Everything does start subtle, but it begs the question.
  19. I'm gonna lose my mind with the Winter Forecasts. Two forecast below almost the "polar" opposite of each other. What gives?? Kentucky Met Forecast: https://www.wkyt.com/2021/11/18/chief-meteorologist-chris-baileys-winter-weather-forecast/ Ohio Met Winter Forecast: https://myfox28columbus.com/news/news-links/central-ohio-winter-snowfall-forecast-wintercast-2021-2022
  20. Trends as of late are not looking good for December. Any thoughts on this??
  21. The benefits of being a few hundred feet higher.
  22. I know, I know, it's the 18Z but it's upping the totals for the Sunday system. Curious. It's good to be back with you all. It's been a while since I wasted my time and lost mind on this crazy addiction.
  23. Just seems a little extreme to me for Thanksgiving?? Those temps in the northern Midwest are crazy cold. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it.
  24. Same! Except they aren't lady bugs. They were bred years ago to eradicate Japanese beetles. It kind of back fired and now we have these "Lady Bug" look a likes that are annoying as hell and bite.
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