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Everything posted by HillsdaleMIWeather

  1. That second storm on the GFS Saturday is basically this one but with more cold air lmao
  2. Chicago folks reeling this one in unless stuff suddenly changes tomorrow or Sunday
  3. Crushes Detroit but yeah that Western cut off is brutal Probably will shift back and forth, we're still far out
  4. If you all thought the GFS was a weenie run...
  5. What you mean rating a snowfall map weenie within an hour on your first day being here isn't normal behavior?
  6. Areas of North Dakota reporting one inch of ice accretion with lots of damage
  7. My best guess is maybe squalls that are stronger or last longer than normal?
  8. Latest radar scope update says the NWS can now issue Snow Squall Emergencies That will be an interesting first
  9. IWX expanded the lake effect advisories to another row of counties God I miss iembot on twitter at times like this, I just learned the bots are available on Mastodon at least
  10. Around the first of the year will at least be a stormier pattern if current model trends hold
  11. The severe weather event down south way overperformed today
  12. I wish I had known about here years ago when AccuWeather was a thing, as much as that place was fun to track winter storms with fellow weenies it would've been nice to be here too at the same time
  13. 12z GFS and gem basically held from their morning runs
  14. It was pure weenie posting, I'm not saying that's going to happen lmao
  15. You don't want snow on Halloween because you think it will ruin the season I don't want snow on Halloween because I can't dress as Michael Myers to give kids candy and be warm We are not the same
  16. GFS would give widespread severe weather across Michigan on the evening of the 27th
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