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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. I dig the enthusiasm, but Beachin should change his name to Geekin.
  2. We're still pretty far out in time from any coastal development, and that placement is always difficult, so I expect some surprises later tomorrow. Good for some, and not so good for others.
  3. Thanks! Enjoy the lake and say hello to everyone at the Honi Honi for me.
  4. It’s ok. It’s going to snow and I’m drinking a beer pregaming for tomorrow’s oyster fest. I won’t be mad when I lose this vote too.
  5. I vote morning. But I’m always on the wrong side of these votes.
  6. To be fair, Chill's, "F you, Jobu! I do it myself!," might have something to do with it.
  7. That's a fun contest. Did they make the guesses public? If so, what's the highest total?
  8. Safe. I'll play dangerous and take the over.
  9. I love when Matt starts digging the Euro.
  10. Is there a sledding hill in these parts? Might be a good place for meeting before hitting Sapwood.
  11. From east to west, I see an unhappy flattened chicken taking a poo on the mid Atlantic. His head is staring at us from Colorado.
  12. For me, it's when people use the word, "wicked." It reminds me of Red Sox and Patriots fans.
  13. Everybody is guilty of irregardless at some point in there (intentional) life.
  14. 138 posts and 15 are the exact same. Wait. My beer posts are kind of repetitive, aren't they?
  15. Yeah, I saw that. Hopefully it's late enough that I'm at home and can toast the snow gods with a wee dram.
  16. I'm not going to be whiny about it, but the only thing that is going to really calm me is seeing snow falling.
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