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Everything posted by WestMichigan

  1. Give them a chance to see what they do before putting the down and declaring the incompetent.
  2. Go listen to the representative from the 101st. A republican who is t saying let’s go wild. He has repeatedly said that if the governor was willing they would work together to out common sense restrictions in place. The problem is the state legislature was completely ignored. There is a reason there is separation of powers. COVID isn’t something to ignore but let the government function and let the governor veto laws if she doesn’t like them that is how it is supposed to work.
  3. I am in favor of more than one branch of government running my state. Unilateral powers aren’t good. Let’s work together and implement reasonable laws for our state. One persons rule is not how our country or state functions.
  4. Almost looks like Owl Head outside of Lake Placid but not sure. Where were you?
  5. Nationwide daily deaths are down and have been under 1000 by a significant amount recently. Haven't seen any talk about that but there sure was a lot of complaining when it was hovering around or above 1000.
  6. Similar things going on around here. the state run university on our county is responsible for most of the new cases. I wonder how many of them are requiring treatment beyond stay at home and wait it out? I guess this is a good thing that most of the cases aren't serious but is it cause for alarm? Maybe, especially if it spreads in the community. I haven't seen any statistics on college ages kids in Michigan and how many are in the hospital vs how many have COVID.
  7. This is an interesting take on what is happening. https://reason.com/2020/09/11/the-covid-19-pandemic-keeps-proving-deadly-to-liberty/
  8. I am not an anti-masker so don't go off on that but is this a case where correlation does not imply causation? Is it the natural cycle of ramp up peak and then go down or is it due to mask wearing? I don't know but you state this as fact. I'd be curious how much is attributable to each source.
  9. I am right there with you. A rogue shower gave me 0.18" this morning but nothing else. Look at GRR accumulated precip on their radar page and you will see the SE part of Ottawa county was pretty much whiffed liked you.
  10. Get ready to watch a lot of the yellows and oranges disappear this week with Laura's remnants.
  11. This is into September, but the 6Z GFS is bringing to 0°F 850 line into the region. Won't happen, but a sign of things to come.
  12. Pretty tame over here. Peak wind gust at my house was 33MPH. Would have loved to see the higher numbers, but I can do without the loss of power so I guess I am glad that we missed it.
  13. Sure is heading that way. Interesting to see if it continues or not.
  14. GRR didn't even crack the top 10 for July.
  15. With all of the unempolyment benefits talk on here yesterday I saw this earlier today. "the University of Chicago estimated that 68% of those receiving benefits were getting paid more than what they made before with the median payment 34% higher than their previous weekly paycheck". https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jobless-claims-week-ending-july-25-123150219.html
  16. You could say the same for the states. Everyone is quick to blame the feds, but if they are so bad why don't the individual states go their own way and get it right? Take a little personal responsibility. It is always easier to blame someone else when things go wrong and take credit when they go right.
  17. Is it treatment or demographics? I have no idea and curious if anyone has seen any data one way or the other.
  18. Interesting that MI has ~12,000 fewer cases than TN, but MI has over 6x the number of deaths. Are the doctors that much better at treating this no vs. in the beginning or has something changed with the virus? Could be the specific population in each state that has the virus is much different also. Curious to see what accounts for that large of a difference in deaths.
  19. 89.7°/81.1°/109° was this max heat index IMBY yesterday. It was an awful day to be outside. Even the breeze with was regularly gusting into the 20+ range felt hot.
  20. Picked up 1.54" yesterday. Probably a little more fortunate than most in the area, but definitely no drought working its way in here for the time being.
  21. July 6, 1996 - Tulsa, OK it was 111°F. I don't care if it is a dry heat or not. That is hot.
  22. A - We don't live in China. What sort of nanny state do you want? B - You cound make the opposite argument just as easy for staying at home.
  23. I'm closer to the lake than you so I am all too familiar with that shadow. Got 0.03" last night and that is it.
  24. 55MPH wind gust here so not too bad. Came down in buckets. My Vantage Pro 2 said 9.00"/hr at one point.
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