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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. I have always found wunderground to be pretty accurate. Not sure how they generate their forecast. I have noticed that the forecast for the weather station about 800-1000 feet below me (but fairly close in terms of distance) is pretty accurate for that lower spot and seems to take into account at least some of the delta from my station. So there is definitely some fine-tuning going on.
  2. The wunderground forecast for your exact location says chance of snow showers tomorrow morning. I don't see anything about elevations. I am not basing any plans on it, was just making the comment. I don't expect anything.
  3. 0.70" sneaky soaker day. 46 degrees. My wife and I are seriously having flashbacks to recent Februaries in MD. LOL
  4. Forecast has been saying snow mixes in overnight and maybe some flakes tomorrow morning at the buttcrack of dawn for a few minutes. We will see.
  5. Looks like February in MD after a "winter storm."
  6. 0.54" here so far as the latest batch of rain pulls out.
  7. I would be good with 240 inches this winter.
  8. Getting blasted here now. Over .30” and rising.
  9. Only a light breeze here so far. Nothing exciting.
  10. Randolph, NH at 1500 feet, right across rt 2 from the Northern Presidentials.
  11. I am figuring there is a decent chance to see some snow on top of Adams/Madison as this system winds up. We will see if I can get some mangled flakes here.
  12. I can believe it. I was just commenting that something made of stainless steel exposed to high heat and then cold (air or water) over and over is something I would expect to degrade faster than expected. I'm sure many of us have had stainless propane grills that develop rust spots sooner than we expected. I have thought about buying one of those, however. They are certainly nice-looking.
  13. Just anecdotal, but it feels like seasonal forecasting accuracy has somehow gotten worse over the years. I swear the seasonal forecasts I saw back in the 2000s and early 2010s were at least as good as a coin flip. Now they seem like they are not only always wrong, but way, way wrong. Are more people relying too much on seasonal models with essentially zero skill and ignoring contrary signs or not hedging and smoothing the forecast a little?
  14. I've had plenty of all stainless stuff rust out over the years though. There are different grades of stainless steel.
  15. Strikes me as something that will rust out before long, even covered.
  16. I am more worried about being dry. A month-long dry spell like September is pretty lame, although breaking it with 2-3 feet of snow would be OK. LOL
  17. I noticed something I thought was weird related to that. I cut down a few healthy-looking trees with leaves on them in August, and within an hour or two of coming down their leaves had shriveled up and looked like totally dry crap. As if they were barely alive before and as soon as the tree fell they all died immediately. I don't recall ever seeing that happen after felling a healthy tree down south. Maybe not drought related, but it was strange.
  18. He can barely make a pass longer than 15 yards this season over the first few games. But yeah drink that homer kool-aid after fluke plays. Last season was his chance.
  19. Ravens beating up on another inept team (LOL “Washington Football Team” makes them even more pathetic — how emblematic of 2020 is that name), but not inspiring much confidence they can hang with the elite of the league. Lamar Jackson‘s play reminds me of his rookie season. He seems to have regressed. If he can’t get going on the ground he doesn’t have much else going on.
  20. And a slice of rye bread, no seeds, toasted on one side. I used to work in the kitchen at a nursing home as a teenager. Those old codgers were so damn fussy.
  21. LOL well that's different of course.
  22. Lemme guess, totally gassed and napping by 2:30 PM? I know the type.
  23. It shouldn't even need to be a rule. Only senior citizens should want to be in a grocery store at 6/7 AM on a weekend morning. Good lord, people.
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