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Everything posted by snowman19

  1. Thank God the blocking looks to be very short lived and it warms right back up at the beginning of April
  2. 67 degrees at 6:30pm in Sloatsburg…the long range op Euro/EPS showed a freezer for right now at the beginning of March….
  3. The Euro at day 10 lol Who wants to bet that actual reality 10 days from now is nothing even close to that? How many times have we done this so far? We were supposed to be in a deep arctic freeze right now according to the Euro at the end of February/beginning of March, remember all the hype? Reality….I’m in short sleeves and shorts today…same story for yesterday….
  4. Finally found someone worse than Joe Bastardi. This guy is hyping the last week of the month as a snow and cold pattern for Baltimore and DC. Don’t know what alternative universe he’s living in but the pattern looks awful for snow even in New England at the end of the month. This guy is a total
  5. The ‘15-‘16 Super El Nino was so epic it punched its way up into the stratosphere and changed the normal QBO progression. When I saw Nino region 3.4 hit +3.1C at the end of November, 2015, I knew the effects were going to be very, very huge and long-lasting….
  6. Feels like May right now. 72 degrees here (Sloatsburg) at 6pm, sun’s still out…..
  7. The disturbing part is that we are seeing heat that used to be reserved only for July and August earlier now….in May and June and also later….extending into September. There is no arguing anymore that our climate has warmed and changed and very significantly so over the last 10 years especially
  8. The heatwave at the end of June last year was absolutely brutal. It felt like Florida heat and humidity. It was among the worst heatwaves I can ever remember
  9. Yep. Unfortunately, the ingredients are there for a very brutal hot and humid summer again…..La Niña, -PDO, record warm SSTs along and off the east coast positively feeding back into the SE ridge/WAR. May through September could be ugly…
  10. Looks like another blocking fail for the end of the month incoming. Despite the hype on twitter, this is a normal, end of season “final warming”, not a SSW. Further, the SPV was so strong this winter that the remnants will remain in the lower stratosphere, thus limiting the normal -NAO/-AO blocking that would normally occur with a weakening vortex:
  11. This CPC disco Typhoon Tip posted in the NE forum would argue strongly against any late month “cold” change. We are very likely to see the cooler end of the month being shown now, to correct much warmer as we move closer in time: • The MJO has shown better signs of organization, which is reflected in the observational RMM index and upper-level velocity potential anomalies depicting the leading edge of the main convective envelope shifting eastward over Africa and the western Indian Ocean during the past week. • There is good agreement in the dynamical models favoring continued eastward propagation of the MJO across the Indian Ocean and into the Maritime Continent during the next two weeks. Several ensemble members suggest the possible development of a high amplitude event. • The enhanced phase of the MJO, as well as predicted Kelvin and Rossby wave activity, is expected to increase chances for tropical cyclone formation mainly over the Indian Ocean during the next two weeks. • The potential for the MJO to constructively interfere with the low frequency footprint would favor an extratropical response typical of La Niña, yielding warmer than normal temperatures across eastern North America later in March.
  12. Fort Kent, Maine….perfect place for you to move to
  13. The AMO was severely negative from the end of the 70’s into the early 90’s
  14. But, for the most part it has snowed decently. I wonder what this board would have been like during the 1979-1992 time period….probably the worst 13 consecutive years in history for northeast and mid-Atlantic snow
  15. It’s over Johnny, done, finished, stick a fork in it, give it up, fat lady has sung, let it go, game over, bring down the curtain, lights out, say goodnight and goodbye, adios….a former winter. We don’t live at northern New England’s latitude….
  16. The record -PDO/-PMM state is very telling
  17. As much as I get accused of my “warm bias”, I wonder how long it’s going to be before the usual suspects on here start hype posting in the March thread about how great and epic the ‘snow and cold pattern’ looks on certain hand picked models for the last week of this month lol….I can think of the names and the model runs they will post right now….there’s a few lol
  18. @bluewave @donsutherland1 Possibly heading into a rare 3rd year La Niña?
  19. The peepers are out already, which is pretty early for them, they usually start the tail end of the month or the beginning of April. Heard them last night, a sure sign winter is done….
  20. Yea, no, no one got more than a dusting/coating from it
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