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Everything posted by qg_omega

  1. Any chance the trough on Wednesday either slows down or becomes a bit more negative tilt
  2. Going North from Albany snow on the ground always starts just south of GFL and is usually solid by Warrensburg. From there the further west you go the better as you get elevation, great retention and eventually LES
  3. That 20 percent figure is not correct, the world is not in danger of running out of oxygen.
  4. We don't need the rain, haven't watered grass once this summer and it's dark green
  5. Looks like COC for days starting next Thursday
  6. On train went right into heart of it, blinding rain but didn't see any hail
  7. Anyone notice reduce voltage, some of my lights are noticeably dimmer than usual
  8. 81 and 82 at the long island beaches, you would think dews are equal if they were reporting
  9. Dewpoint dropping here this morning from 77 overnight down to 70 now. https://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/KHPN.html
  10. Should still have afternoon sea breeze each day, winds are more SW
  11. Same poured all day, JFK was south of the backdoor and had little rain.
  12. I think convection potential Friday Saturday and Sunday is being underplayed.
  13. Storms look SW of the area today, think most remain dry
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