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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. 41.5 here in the high altitude regions of Tenleytown (lol)
  2. are there gravity wave type returns showing up on LWX radar?
  3. Dews in the 60s now in DC. I guess that shouldn't be that surprising given the tornado activity in eastern NC.
  4. because the city can almost effortlessly get a +8 or +10 day, and we struggle to get below 32F.
  5. that was it thank you!! for some reason i had utah state in my bookmarks but maybe that was something else.
  6. hate to be that guy but that use to be pretty common place in Dec (at least in the Central Shenandoah Valley looking west).
  7. Does anyone recall a product from I believe the Utah Climate Center where you could create all kinds of plots of various temperature variables for a particular station? For example, you could do the hourly count of say a dewpoint above 80F for the hours of the day within the period of record for a station. That service does not seem to be available anymore, does anyone know what happened to it?
  8. wild west in the DMV these days. Apparently the dude was shooting off flares this afternoon, and the cops came by. Then they came back this evening with a search warrant, and he started firing at them with the flare gun
  9. The core of DC and parts of Arlington/Alexandria are 8a now.
  10. lmao does this moron know how hard it is to get NYC to 0? it's happened ONCE since 1994 and that (in 2016) was a fluke cold spell.
  11. A comfortable 44.4F here at the 1am hour in Tenleytown.
  12. today was quite pleasant. that is the nice thing about here compared to being even not that much further north (Philly/NY) - the cold never lasts that long.
  13. lol Kammerer was saying tonight that today in DC with our high of 40 was the 2nd coldest day of 2023 - jfc.
  14. yeah you guys have been really having some cold nights. I don't recall many single digits in Nov or even into most of Dec. Of course, last Christmas we were driving down on that day the massive cold front came through, and we arrived in Staunton to temps of 3-4F (and I believe it did get below 0F). It's a lot colder there than folks realize on winter nights.
  15. The above also creates some obscene temps differences between the city and even some close-in suburbs. I remember once leaving the city on a chilly morning (temp was around 20F) - we had to go out to Warren NJ for work (which isn't THAT far from the city), and it was around 0F when we got there lol.
  16. yep - that's the only way NYC cools off at night in the winter. Otherwise you get like 5-6 degree diurnal temperature variation lol. DCA is similar but it's not quite as profound. NYC is nuts. Without a fresh fetch of cold air coming down the Hudson your low is maybe a degree or two off from the temp at, say, 5pm. Often times it goes up a couple of degrees between 2am and sunrise.
  17. honestly waiting for the wind to die down and temps to warm up, so maybe Thurs. We have a small yard (city house) but there are a lot of trees, so we have a LOT of leaves. I rake one day and it doesn't look like I did anything the next.
  18. just went for a run and I have to say - not a huge fan of this with no snow. it's pretty brutal out.
  19. Highs in the 30s around here in Nov / early Dec aren't going to be a thing anymore unless you have a good amount of precip falling or some 5+ SD airmass is coming down from Canada.
  20. i mean we keep saying it, and DCA keeps laughing at us. Already getting into the mid 40s there lol.
  21. I think it will happen in the early AM tomorrow - too much CAA (just like NYC).
  22. DCA hanging at 38F at midnight. Down to 34.5F here in Tenley but temps are steadying. We shall see.
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