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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. Not something written on here often on the first day of December...lol
  2. Ya know the last time we saw that kind of agreement was...January 2016, lol
  3. Dang it, man! Why did ya have to put "torch" in the tags for this? Lol
  4. I'd take that bet...me gut tells me it's gonna be a sneaky quick-hitter!
  5. Never, ever, EVER trusting anything in the LR in a Nina again. Probably the hardest lesson I learned last winter, lol If your theory about the EURO is true...and it were still be showing said solution by say...Sunday or Monday...maybe we can prepare to buckle up? Maybe...lol (I think the EURO needs to take it's crown back...and now is an excellent time to do it!
  6. Thumparoo?? Sir you just earned a spot on my list of forum quotations for winter 2018-19, lololol
  7. So...what would we need to see to get a "perfect" track?...HP in a particular place? Timing? (Sounds like a rollercoaster week ahead if we're talking about that kind of evolution!)
  8. *flag* False start, Beethoven, two post penalty, repeat report of model run
  9. Yeah it feels like one of those things that'll pop back up at the last minute...perhaps we only see it in the 3 day range (or less) if it's gonna do something?
  10. Was it really that bad, though? I think it was a nice "keep an eye on it" article/blog that didn't go too crazy.
  11. Perhaps that rule applies more to within 7 days as opposed to day 8+?...
  12. Forgive me, but...why do we even start talking about totals and snow maps for something in the day 8+ range? I mean...I know this is the medium/long range thread but...just seems way premature...
  13. Okay I'm gonna need somebody in here to be an HM translator...I don't understand about 80% of his tweets, lol
  14. Wasn't didn't they overdo it for Thanksgiving too? Lol (until we got closer to it, that is)
  15. Yes it is...it is a psychological battle of model swings and trying not to get too invested either direction knowing it's not set in stone. But again...I blame the last two winters for this, lol (especially when somebody say "northern stream"...although as @Bob Chill said, in this case that has potential to either help or hurt...making this chase a little more maddening, lol)
  16. I stepped away from this forum for 40 minutes and this is what I come back to, hahahaha
  17. It's playing like a sports athlete way past their prime and running on fumes...lol
  18. As always--thank you for bringing some clarity to this! P.S. Is it shifting east currently?
  19. It was actually her tweets that prompted my question yesterday, lol Yeah I'm not sure what her angle is...I mean I asked her point blank whether she was a snow lover or a snow loather...she said "neither" and that she was tired of hype forecasting, basically--But, if that's the case, she goes about it in a rather obnoxious way...bent on "proving hypers wrong", and not much info in between (for example: a few months ago she was claiming there wasn't gonna be any el Niño and that it was gonna fizzle...lol)
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