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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. Gonna be really interesting to see if it at least holds onto this idea (or even grows on it!)
  2. Sounds like the phase solution is the only thing that will keep those of us north of DC in the game!
  3. No true...it means we are still in the game!
  4. Just...I mean, I thought we would have to see more support for a possible hit before we went that far.
  5. (Yells into Beethoven ear trumpet: YA DON'T THINK THIS IS TOO EARLY?????")
  6. But again...ya don't this is premature?...
  7. Ah!!! Randy, what have you done?? Lol Are we not still talking in hypotheticals here?...
  8. That's because we haven't had a preseason...lol
  9. My question is...how MUCH further north should we consider being a possiblity?... .
  10. Keep on pushin'! Gonna be an interesting next few days (that is if models don't go right back south tomorrow, lol If I were a betting man, I'd wager at worst things stay the same in 6z and 12z suites...and perhaps better? Just my wild, mostly unscientific guess, lol)
  11. Ya gotta wonder if...as you said, these pieces keep shifting around...what the model runs are gonna look like--and if we'll be seeing stuff go from north to south, back north...Or is some ns vort gonna appear and then disappear again... Or...if this is to go positively for us...do we see things shift away from a miss south to something else altogether? (Just the ramblings of my mind, lol)
  12. Hey, at least there IS an option 2...can't really say we had that 24 hours ago, lol
  13. I think I'm responsible for using that term...lol When I said wrinkle, I was referring to the possible capture and phase solution that the EURO and 18z GFS seemed to try to do (but on those particular runs, it happened too late) That was something that wasn't there before.
  14. Was just gonna ask him the same thing! @high risk double-check the date on that
  15. Looks like FV3 is finally finished it's 12z run...lol (maybe we get 18z all at once? )
  16. Nope, not yet! The phasing scenario adds a new wrinkle..giving a slight miss south new life things go well...
  17. TT isn't only site that has it lol It didn't look like it was out on weathernerds either...(unless I'm just not using the site right, lol)
  18. Dude, what/whete are looking at it? (And that would be called more than a wobble if it happened, btw...)
  19. But it's a different kind of "almost" this time!...Something new that could trend the right way...just maybe! But this new wrinkle doesn't make this feel so far away...
  20. Huh...is this another wrinkle in the equation?...
  21. Boo, boo my Baltimore yard...lol And yeah, they were too busy talkin' about some good ol' days!
  22. Cue Tony Pann...lol If it happens, he deserves his name on that storm!
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