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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. You should save those images for a Christmas card/postcard! Pretty pics (and your house looks like a literal gingerbread house in that top pic!)
  2. Yep, that was the epic 2009-10 winter! And I remember the Canada warmth because of the difficulties it caused for the winter Olympics, lol And I hope that wasn't a "grand finale" of good blocking...hopefully it was just a decadal cycle that some theorize the NAO to go in!
  3. What about the opposite? Like 2010 when they couldn't buy a flake up there while we got buried? Lol (was that a rare case where a warm Canada wasn't bad? Haha)
  4. This has certainly been a nice treat! While I obviously LOVE the big snows...I am growing to appreciate the smaller ones too. Any event that accumulates even an inch still creates a wintry atmosphere
  5. Whoa! Street caved completely with this burst! Coating-1" everywhere!
  6. Indeed (been mostly snow in my neighborhood)! Even my street has caved a little bit now...could manage a nice coating even on the regular surfaces
  7. Hey...I'd rather transient cold shots be the worst case scenario than a pac flood, lol (and btw...we still managed a pretty good storm at the end of January 2000...so there's that! ) Hey @psuhoffman Ya got one of those maps for that month?
  8. Wait, what part of the city are you in? Been mostly snow here in Northwood area for the last hour!
  9. That's actually pretty incredible, lol (but it is 34 degrees here now)
  10. About 34 here in Balt. City...Moderate snow--main accumulation on grass and cartops!
  11. Lol I've been meaning to ask about what the EURO was saying! (seems the GFS has been waffling a bit...but overall, does it seem like a lighter storm than the driving rain it was advertising a couple days ago?)
  12. Dang...So right now it's basically a model war for determining the fate of the winter? Whoa boy...gonna be a long 10-15 days, lol (but at least we'll finally know something by then...)
  13. Almost the same even here in the city--39 (I think we hit like 52, lol)
  14. And the only time we ever got a big snow this early in January, lol
  15. That's like a micro version of last year's storm that gave BWI 4.8 but DC a foot!! Ouch (for here, lol)
  16. If we're extremely lucky? The Farmer's Almanac will be correct, lol (they said 4"-8" inches in the "Northeast" for this date range. Of course, the 4" may be closer to our max...but who knows? )
  17. They've been making out like fat rats since last winter, smh
  18. Good news is we've had plenty of wet football practice this year...so there is that, lol
  19. Oh yeah? Shoot...(and the 12z GFS does have the yellow right over us near gametime, too, smh Home field advantage...go figure)
  20. I guess it's no missing that rainstorm next weekend, huh? Smh Bad timing
  21. It snowed last January...lol But prime climo is pushed to mid/late January, though--I never expect anything before then. (This year it's shaping up to be February at the rate we're going)
  22. Meanwhile...the models continue to show a dang rainstorm for next Saturday...rain football AGAIN, smh So not only is the pattern crap and warm...the Ravens finally secure home field advantage and now it looks like the old "rain on the weekends" theme seems to want to start up again....CRAP!!!!!!
  23. Yeah I don't care if this is still 8 days out...I don't like seeing this. Rain in the vicinity for the game. Gets outta here by our 8:15 game time this run...but knowing our luck we've had with home weather this year, would not be surprised if it slowed down and delayed until the game is over, smh Hope this will he wrong!
  24. I can't see how anybody can sleep on KC, lol If/when we see them, that's gonna be a dog fight...I feel a bit better that would see them here instead of up there, but...still gonna be a challenge!
  25. Meanwhile, next weekend might be...wait for it...rain. AGAIN...smh Still 8 days out, but knowing our luck with the weather this year...that's gonna be exactly it.
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