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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. Why are you living model run to model run this far out? Thus is madness, brother....I'd suggest stepping away for a day. Emotional (I'm contemplating the same thing...temptation will be hard to resist, lol) Emotional model watching in the LR=bad!
  2. Man I hope so...otherwise that's gonna be a real knife in the heart after what we've been through with snow the last few years (especially to happen right at the end of what's supposed to be the coldest part of the year!)... C'mon...we oughta be due, lol
  3. Of all the things that we haven't been able to get to trend our way in the medium range...I'd take my chances for a trend to a colder solution (and only needing small shifts for such). Here's hoping it's still there next Tuesday!
  4. Yes that is the chill storm...the feb 1 bomb is still unnamed Wondering if the first cuts...could it serve as a 50/50 for the second?...
  5. Yeah I'm starting to think long range looks are getting pointless to look at, lol It's becoming increasingly clear that we are gonna have to pray for a bit of fortune in perfect timing during a very transient window...obviously the looks up top ain't wanting to change anytime soon, smh
  6. And see that's what makes the last two winters more depressing...that close miss! Had we gotten that one...or even the one in December 2018 that just missed...we wouldn't be in such a snow drought right now, smh
  7. Man I hope we don't go 4 years in a row without a footer....that would be somewhat historic by itself--seeing as it hasn't happened for over 27 years...yikes. That would make this winter one of the absolute worst on record because of that alone. (Even worse if we didn't see another flake and stayed at 1.8", lol) It would make you wonder if we would be setting up for a longer drought like 1970-1977, smh But our region has always has gone: a few bad years in a row, one or two good...then 2 or 3 bad...then good, etc. 20 inches is the magic point for me...and usually we can hit that every 3-4 years (historically)
  8. Yeah I think we may be the only ones still with the ship, bro lol Like I said, I'll riiiiiide till I can't no mo!
  9. Yeah I thought it was the 18z EURO too at first (precip map had the same graphics, lol)
  10. Yeah I can't bring myself to give up on this one either for whatever reason, lol I think I'm gonna riiiiiide till' I can't no mo....
  11. And as slim as the chance is, (and I'm kicking myself for still keeping a tiny drop of hope for this thing, lol), I'm wondering if we wouldn't see that the models pickup on that until like...late tomorrow (or Thursday) at the earliest?
  12. As of right now...it appears to have gotten cut, lol (could always turn around, of course...)
  13. Yep...and I would hate for these last two weeks of January to be our last shot. Because even in these two lweeks things look difficult! And ya talk about February not looking to start off too well right now? Mercy...we just gotta hope for either a miracle with this weekend or next, or that we can get a small window we manage to score in next month. (Or a March miracle, lol)
  14. Ah, but you know that ain't how the psychology works, lol Following LR is just looking for glimmers of something better...Snow=a measure happiness...Right now, the happiness delayed, with the dread of the "what if it doesn't come". So then... you keep looking into the future for possible evidence of said happiness. Since letting it play out requires living in the present, and the present doesn't have said happiness for some...ya keep looking to the future (LR). It's a bit of a messed up psychology, but that is what it seems to be for some of us, lol (Ya know, I've always contemplated starting a thread about what goes on in our minds when it comes to loving snow)
  15. If we don't get a 12" snowfall this winter, this would be the first time in 25 years that we (that is BWI...I know DC hit a foot last year) would have gone more than 4 years without getting one of those. Not much you've been able to look to to predict snow around here...but since 1993, this has been the one thing you could rely on like clockwork. 3-4 years for 1 footers, 6-7 for 2 footers. Would be a shame for that trend to end...but let's just wait and see. All it would take is one fluke or short window scoring! I'm still ridin' with the trend!
  16. Notice how that's literally every 6-7 years (except 2014)...lol (and wait, DCA didn't beat average in 2016? Did they not get as much as BWI?)
  17. But one day (hopefully soon) one day...one day...we setup on the snowy mountaintop! I've seeeeeeeeen the.......(okay I'll stop)
  18. Well we got two swings for this month...this weekend and the Chill storm. After that, man...I think we may need a bit of a miracle. Snow-wise, February ain't been February since 2015, so...hard to trust things changing. But we shall see...
  19. Haha....pretty good! (I mean sure, it sounded more like an Ode to Root Beer at times...but that was nice work!) Now interestingly enough, Beethoven actually did write something that was...somewhat closer to ragtime, lol (or perhaps the boogie-woogie style...except this was 1824--a good 70-80 years before any of that!) @stormtracker Ya heard this tidbit?
  20. Dude...Beethoven is my all-time time favorite as well!! (So we've got three Beethoven lovers on this forum? Frickin' AWESOME!) His music identifies with my soul in way nobody else's does! (and yes, it is at least rumored that that violinist was part African, but I just researched and it may have been west Indian. But he and Beethoven had a falling out...thus his name wasn't attached to the sonata--the "Kreutzer") And I'll have to listen to those conductor's interpretations of the 9th (admittedly I can be picky about Beethoven interpretations, lol But the 9th in particular has it's own unique expressive quirks...and thus a wide variety of interpretations!) And the Emperor I have a special place for...I played the first movement for my degree recital for my bachelor's alongside my now dearly departed teacher about 5 years ago (he was playing the piano reduction of the orchestral part). So whenever I hear it, I always think about that! I hope you get to hear more live Beethoven performances this year...ESPECIALLY this year--his 250th!!
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