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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. I swear the GFS has it out for us this year...lol
  2. And really, in this scenario, would there really be that much to worry about? You'd think this setup would be simpler than anything else we've had...
  3. If we can't even get a little shortwave like this to work...C'MON!!!! That would road salt in the wound (or perhaps bread and melted butter, smh). It's gonna be really frustrating if this were to also trend warmer like everything else has this year.
  4. I know that's where my head is at atm! Maybe I oughta be more cynical given the pattern, but...I wouldn't sleep on the following storm either! Still a long ways out, but...if we score anything in this awful pattern, wouldn't a potential setup like that be the way to do it? Again, it's easier to lean with the seasonal trend, but I don't recall seeing this look this year (of course, we gotta see if the general idea can stick on the guidance until at least Wednesday first, lol But maybe it's a tiny window...)
  5. I have a bit of hope for next week too...Can't remember where I read it, but someone cited a met as saying that the only way we can get snow to work in a pattern like this would be an overrunning event. Now, the look we see Day 9/10...I wonder if that would fall under that category?
  6. I wouldn't say that for mid-next week yet...that High to the north has been a persistent feature in the GFS even by Day 9/10 standards. I'm keeping an eye on it (be it out of sheer desperation or because this would be a look we haven't seen yet this year, lol)
  7. You sure about that? Lol Around here you cam never be completely solid on a result...particularly not when we just started February. All it takes is one storm...there have been a few winters where it did happen like that...snowless and then boom--a storm (like Feb 2006). Of course it's hard to know if that happens or not (although my inner snow weenie is intrigued about Day 10, lol), but it is always possible if we get a tiny window and manage to score. And with all the waves we still have coming at us, all it would take is for the more hostile elements of our atmosphere to let up just enough...so we'll see. Never any guarantees. Edit: Well, I'm a bit hypocritical on this when it comes to ninas....now those? In the future, I will feel very solid on how those will look even before they start, lol They're AWFUL! But I digress...
  8. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I want any yellow snow...(then again, we're so peeved at the lack of snow we might even take that!)
  9. Nope--not until we get another day or two of good trends, lol
  10. Hello! Visiting from the Mid-ATL forum...We had a similar discussion during the Fall. One theory that was floated was in reference to a "lag" effect (I cannot remember what study was cited)--supposing that sometimes it was the winters after the minimum during which the minimum from the previous year may have affected blocking (for example, the previous solar minimum was listed as ending around December 2008. Of course it wasn't that winter but the following one that had the blocking. Now perhaps someone else may want to chime in on this "lag" theory.
  11. When location adjustment ain't an option...adjustment in mindset/psychology is the only other option. Ya don't even have to have 100% of the happiness depend on it...it can dampen anything even if 50% of your happiness depends on it. To those who have fuller lives, it's probably a bit easier than those whose lives may not be as full of other things to focus on. Then snow (or the potential of it) becomes something to look forward to (even if the potential is wildly inconsistent)...even the ambiance snow. So I get it...(I swear I've been wanting to setup a snow lover psychology thread...lol)
  12. Neither, Reap!! (I have enough discomfort with the reaper iconography that I don't do the panic room much, lol)
  13. I envy the mental position you were able to get with this...(and I can empathize with the anxiety/depression--I struggle with that too). Living day by day is indeed important...yet in this weather hobby, here were are trying to live 7-12 days in the future, lol I'm trying not to be depressed about not having snow...but it's a challenge for whatever reason.
  14. Winters like this are tough on the psyche...but a part of me is saying that life is way too short to be depressed over weather the way I have been this year and years past. But yet....here we are. Ain't nothin' worse than being in a good mood, but then remembering that snow may not come again for another 11-12 months barring a fluke...and it just kinda sucks the life outta ya. Makes it like...there isn't anything to look forward to in January and February if there's no snow.
  15. Why? All the best met minds have pretty much thrown in the towel. LR no hint of anything minus a fluke (all we can hope for)
  16. So then what are the other theories for that year, then? Certainly something happened that had never happened in a nina before (on record) or since...
  17. Ya think so?? I mean...what other explanation for 1995-96 could there be? Ain't no way a la nina does that without help from some anomalous force, lol
  18. So the GFS basically has chilly rain on us from next Wed to Sat--I mean you talk about rubbing our noses in it!
  19. Man I hear you--I wish I could stop caring about it too. It's like, of all the things in life, you know there are way worse things to be upset about, and yet...for whatever reason, a total lack of snow can get to us. It won't...and it's it's not so much getting upset every 6 hours, per se...just seeing the repeated fails and such. But again, I don't know how to just file this away and not care. I hope you're right about this and that this doesn't represent some radical change in our snow climo.
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