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Everything posted by Maestrobjwa

  1. And really...without that airmass, all the tiny details that we need to make snow are gonna be jumping all over the place until at least Wednesday...So between now and then we gonna be seeing all kinds of runs, lol
  2. Yeah I don't get it, lol The thing was just showing a cutter 3 runs ago...and each model has been showing different solutions. If ya try to parse details now...you'll go mad!
  3. Yeah as much as I love weather...that math would make me run for the hills, lol Nope!!
  4. Yeah at Day 7...and with all the jumping around on the GFS...yeah, we can definitely take this for now. At least it's closer.
  5. Bring on the thunder! (cause', ya know...winter folklore and all that )
  6. So the gefs and eps are currently more supportive of a cutter?
  7. Ha...this is gonna be fun. Let's see how many rain/snow flip flops we get over the next 8 days...lol
  8. Hm...but with a track like that...can ya trust it? I could see if it was a difference like 18z with where the dividing line was...but in this case it was a completely different look. Strengthens a case for tossing it, imo...
  9. Why do you say that? Dude...it's just Day 8, lol If this comes down to an exact track, ain't now way this is gonna be figured out right now (remember last run when it cut the storm? Lol) But yes, as psu said, we could very well need a perfect track...and if that be the case, keep expecting model swings till err, is don't know...next Thursday? I'm not even sure the "setup" is in stone yet!
  10. And you seem keep holding that over my head despite the fact that the last several years I have been very new to this, but have been learning year by year. Look I get it...I'm learning our region's tendencies. I've learned how la Nina's suck. I'm learning how much of a tightrope it can be to get snow around here (and what a classic storm looks like). I am learning how much chaos there is, and how we sometimes need multiple swings to get something. The difference with my outlook this year was solely based on our every 3-4 history with footers--but I am very aware that trends can break anytime (as I've said) But my goodness, is it so wrong for me to at least HOPE it continues? (while under no delusion that anything HAS to happen). P.S. Yes, I like to be able to have things to look at as predictors of other things...but I've been growing understand how much "chaos" there can be in weather.
  11. Yeah I mean...and perhaps this is overly simplistic...but I see all those waves as dice. So say there's like 5 waves...if we can't get at least 1/5, then that's bad even for us, lol You'd have to imagine something would time up somewhere...but we shall see.
  12. Ya I dont get this dude. We might on the average get 4 days a year where heavy snow falls. He might need to move Alright, alright...I know that was in response to what I said yesterday...so I can respect the counter-jab...lol Hello pot, I'm kettle
  13. Exactly (same up here! At least DC was thrown a bone last year with the January snow, lol)
  14. Ah, my apologies: I meant to say we only got 4.8 from that January system that gave DC a foot. 18.3" for the year is correct.
  15. I'm not trying to "convince" myself of anything...stop accusing me of denying reality. I've said over and over again that the trend could break anytime. Yes I'm hoping it doesn't...sure I guess we've been fortunate to be able to time it with a watch the last 27 years. But I am NOT trying to deny reality. And no, I cannot move somewhere else...that option isn't possible or feasible at this juncture. I was just making a general wish that we find a way to make it work...not because of numerics or reality denial, but because 4 years in a row would just be awful. (And I'm dreading the drought going longer. We've gotten away from la nina, but still ain't been able to get things right or get a mod nino (mercy how rare are those anyway? Once a decade???)
  16. Up here we only got 4.8 inches...that was basically a dc/nova jackpot. I mean, we had some nice "scenery" snow...but the fact remains for all of us that we've only gotten to pull out a shovel one time since 2016 (so far)
  17. And yet when we had cold air masses during the two dreadful la nina years....suppression and snowhole, smh Mercy...I'm telling ya, if we cannot overcome this this year (or get lucky with a perfect track coastal bomb) and score at least once, this will go down as the worst 4-year stretch of winter we've had since that period between 1988 and 1992, smh We don't have to snow every year...but in a 4 year span we always manage to score at least once or twice among all the chaos. We have got to find a way this year...
  18. I'd wait to see what happens the next 10-12 days. If we still manage to whiff even after all that activity...then bring out the teardrop, lol (so let's hope ya keep it on the shelf!)
  19. I'm not, but...I just don't understand that dude, lol Anyway...it seems like we haven't had to deal with "strung out" since the awful la Nina's a couple years ago. And this year everything has been kinda juiced...but cutters. If we now finally have a chance at a southern system...and cold in place before it...ya never know! Just glad to see us back in the game again!
  20. Yeah we ain't had suppression all winter...if it were to suddenly be an issue that would just be a case of MAI (mid-atlantic-itis)
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