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Everything posted by rclab

  1. and this is the forums response when it doesn’t. As always ….
  2. Good morning forky. You should definitely think of spending less time with your avatar. As always …..
  3. Good afternoon Idub23. After you consume those, the probability of your system being less tranquil that the Atlantic may accelerate. Stay well, as always ….
  4. Good morning Bx, Rob. A well said description of the present coastal plain climate, some of the date ranges may expand or contract in the future. forky will probably become a sand bird. Winters in Death Valley, summers on the coastal plain. Stay well, as always ….
  5. Good morning HH. Perhaps evaporates or thins. Burn off, seems to satisfy the sun worshipers. Stay well, as always ….
  6. Good morning Hitman. I remember my uncle ( my Dads brother ) trying to convince my father that a solid mowed lawn of crab grass looked just as good and was easier to maintain than the, at the time, popular zoysia grass. Stay well, as always …
  7. Good morning R I B. Great start to an interesting storyline. One that could go in all sorts of directions. At least they didn’t land in Jersey this time. As always ….
  8. Good morning forky. A provocative statement without a question mark. In answer, with no rain, no snow, no sleet, the unforgiving sun will enhance the threat of dry storms, to fill the cracks and bury whatever might have been remembered. ….. And yet in this desolate answer to your question, I find hope. Hope in the belief that even from dust, we still can rise. Stay well and hydrated. As always ….
  9. Good afternoon Rjay, Rtd208. So that’s what an entire sub forum looks like bent over. Stay well, as always ….
  10. Good afternoon forky. Many of us like/appreciate the entire day. It’s reassuring to know we are still here. You can try it or not. Stay well, as always ….
  11. Avatar suggestion for the cold season. As always …..
  12. Good morning BW. Moderate rain over the postage stamp. Gloomy and off season feel but refreshing just the same, stay well, as always ….
  13. Good morning Julian, gravity. I thought, after reading your posts, how fortunate it is for us to have the capacity to go to a local produce store and purchase what we couldn’t enjoy growing. I wondered ‘what if’ we needed what we personally grow to survive. …. And remembered that it has happened before. Stay well, the gardens will green again. As always ….
  14. Good evening Will. Looking at your avatar, forky’s, Lantern fly photos and with Anthony just posting a ‘Winter Cancel in the New England Forum …. These are perilous times we are living in. Stay well and hydrated. As always …
  15. Good afternoon Rob. You didn’t lie. You were just overruled by the atmosphere. As always …..
  16. Good afternoon forky and we’ll done. That should nicely raise the temperature and lower the civility. Stay warm, as always …..
  17. Chronologically I only have two I can count on now. Stay well, as always …
  18. Good morning Hudson. It’s good to be a leg up on everyone else. Stay well.
  19. I can tell by your avatar. Stay well. As always
  20. Good afternoon everyone and finally …. As always IMG_6139.MOV
  21. Good morning Hudson. I know it’s time to turn on the A/C when I see Mr, B Franklin fiddling with a string and metal key in mine. As always…
  22. Good evening Rjay. Sadly so and as they try to speak out of more sides of the mouth than physically possible they become expert at playing both sides against the middle. A space we common folk end up occupying in contention. As always …..
  23. Good afternoon Rob, gravity, Hudson. 0.0 for the postage stamp. It almost makes me wish that the third floor window would become active again. As always ….
  24. It was civil. I do remember the Mayor jokingly reminiscing on how Mr. Hannity referred to him as Comrade d Blasio. As always ….
  25. Good morning Dark Star. This is a missed opportunity. I remember former Mayor de Blasio being interviewed on his show. A good discourse done civilly would help all of us. Stay well, as always ….
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