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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Could the State generate an after hours park permit for those whose skills necessitate it’s use? Just a thought, as always ........
  2. A logical solution and inexpensive will certainly be the least attractive. As always.....
  3. I visited your site several times, it’s very well done, thank you. Ah, Summer Banter already. The clock just keeps on ticking. As always .....
  4. Many happy returns. Rain will never douse your candles. Snow, well maybe ....... as always
  5. The lyrics to the song, “June Is Busting Out All Over” from the musical Carousel is an apt description for this years Spring. As always....
  6. How can you say that, after spending the entire day hitting a little ball, with a club, through grass, weeds, sand, trees and finally water. All that to make it disappear into an almost invisible hole. You know I believe your right, the heck with golf, stick to the sport of Moderating. It’s much more satisfying. You also can’t lose.
  7. Wow! Beer drinking in a water hazard while looking for his lost balls. He’s good. As always .....
  8. Going after balls in the water hazard sure did a job on his lucky shirt. As always ....
  9. Hubcaps aren’t doing to well either. As always ....
  10. If only the water hazards weren’t at flood stage. As always .....
  11. Thank you for the find. I must confess it did take me awhile to get down to the beginning of the sounding explanation. I did read it through and will need a number of re-reads and an actual application attempt before I am sure if anything stuck. Oh, one other thing, if she ever posts on the forum, her avatar will give Forky’s a run for the money. As always ....
  12. A year before I was born and 14 years before the mid air collision over the narrows. My father used to call one of the skyline scrappers the green building. Growing up, I remember it’s pinnacle was somehow green lit. I wonder if that was the one? As always ...
  13. A pity CPK never used it. As always ....
  14. Forky is incapable of Sadism. Considering his statement, in combination with his profession, I’d say it’s more likely Masochism. As always ....
  15. Sadly the end result is still the same. As always ....
  16. I was coming up out of the F lines Bergen Street station, the rain was coming down and I saw a fellow who looked to be up in my age range. He was holding a bottle of, possibly wine. He and the bottle had seen better days, weeks, months and years. Not that i look that much better, mind you. What impressed me was his hands. They were working hands. No softness and they had a look of grip strength to them. He wasn’t asking for anything and looking at his old style backpack leaning against the wall he had everything he owned with him. He stood there with his bottle, bothering no one, looking soulfully at the rain. I thought of him when I heard the Apple wine song. There but for the grace of God go we. As always ...
  17. A great suggestion for the winter. Many more potential and deserving candidates. As always .......
  18. Ours lives in Gracie Mansion. As always .....
  19. That’s what you get for falling off the wagon. As always .....
  20. The sun just made an appearance in Bay Ridge. Long enough to cast a shadow. We should let Forky know. As always ....
  21. Some of the low high temps we complain about know would have been window openers after a rough winter cold snap. As always .....
  22. Where I am lawns are an anomaly. Now concrete crack weed maintenance is certainly an issue. As always ....
  23. May not be weather related but it might answere Forkys question. As always ...
  24. Magnificent photo. Was it near the Plum Beach area?
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