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Everything posted by ForestHillWx

  1. The lightening is awesome. Line is just south of me. Better than fireworks.
  2. The back side of the storm is awesome to look at. Mammoth towers to my south and east. Sun is out here but getting rumbles of thunder.
  3. Just rolled through Chester. Some brief winds, followed by a good drink for the garden. 15-20 minutes in all.
  4. As long as the vest is in the boat and free to access (not clipped to the cross-brace in the canoe), I have not had a problem. I do know a group of long islanders in the camp site next to use got popped one year, but they were also standing in the canoe and funneling for a while.
  5. I hear you; been going up there since 2006. Feet downriver at all times. I am always amazed by some of the stories of how people have drowned on that river. One young lad decided to swim across the river at midnight after drinking all day; there's no cure for stupid.
  6. Headed to Narrowsburg this weekend for two days on the River. Good to hear that it’s moving.
  7. We haven’t received nearly the totals of those further East. Maybe 0.5”. I’ll take it, but we need more.
  8. You’re on vacation for the next 3 weeks; I’d say that’s pretty awesome, regardless of the weather.
  9. 72/70 waiting on some rain...the garden needs a good drink.
  10. Line of storms moving from southwest to northeast. Seeing flashes every so often with rumbles.
  11. Just had a heavy shower come thru round 2 now with wind.
  12. It’s 48 currently; whatever heat comes, so be it. I am enjoying the current weather to the fullest.
  13. Lightening up to my north west, a few rumbles. New chickens have been safely escorted into the coop.
  14. Been pounding rain with good boomers since 2:00; likely approaching 1/2" now. Flood advisory posted; storms are crawling east.
  15. How does Burlington VT rate 96, when Albany at the tarmac hits 90? That seems illogical. Granted I’ve never been to Burlington, but I can’t imagine Lake Champlain has no cooling effect on that large town.
  16. Was just in Oradell for work and can confirm, much hotter than my home turf in western Morris County.
  17. Heavy rain now; solid storm in progress. Decent lightening, good rumbles.
  18. 46 and rain. Yesterday was more salvageable. Just lit the wood stove to get the chill out.
  19. According to Walts post re:rain totals in my area are 2.74” so far. Current temp 44 with rain. I am cutting in a new pasture, or rather reclaiming the old overgrown one. Perfect weather for it.
  20. Mid 60 DPs and up are not my cup of tea. Oh the joys of living in NJ.
  21. 43 currently; well over an 1” in the first batch.
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