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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. The rare "congrats DDH". 1-1.5" strip there already. Only .16" just to the north here.
  2. It's defintley been questioned... https://www.wunderground.com/blog/weatherhistorian/an-investigation-of-death-valleys-134f-world-temperature-record.html
  3. Dews should be spot on with the desert scape backdrop.
  4. Heavy July gardens..nice not having to worry about watering.... Sneaking in a top 10er today before the rain and dews return.
  5. Lol, yea if only you could bank up that extra water as a reserve in the soil. Honestly 1.5" or 7" in a week will make no difference for the lawn in a week if its 85-90 and sunny, it will start browning probably within 7-8 days again. 7" is good for lakes and streams and Oak trees, but lawns don't need that much. Looks humid and stormy though next week.
  6. Oh, for sure it's great for summer tourist season and really for locals too being able to get out and do the mountain summer stuff. Last summer was dry and hot up to this point, so the swimming at the local water holes was great. Haven't done a ton of that this year though. It's been an absolute zoo down here even with the crappy string of weather-I'm sure it's like that in all the touristy areas of New England, people are just itching to get out and explore after the past year and half.
  7. What's funny about that map is the max is 10.82". There a couple NVT cocorahs stations that had 12" total from 1/1/21 until today. That is Stein.
  8. Mother nature with the big FU to New England. I mean you don't have to go very far in most directions to get some breaks in the OVC.
  9. I mean what a dry spell for the Tamarack region. Horrible winter and then dust bowl summer while parts of SNE have 15-20 inches since May 1st. Unreal. Think I had about 2" the past 3-4 days and feel like I got Steined a bit.
  10. I have some friends with a place on Lake George, was up there about 5-6 weeks ago and the house was covered in caterpillars, just crawling everywhere on everything. 30 mins NW of here in extreme western VT at my sister in law's also seeing some damage and good amount of caterpillars at her house as well. Haven't seen any locally or noticed any issue, but feel like it's only a matter of time.
  11. Looks like a bunch of trees down with some roads closed around town, guess it was legit severe.
  12. Only good thing about these dews are the absurd rainfall rates if you can catch one of these cells. Dropped to 74/68 with .76" of rain in like 10 mins- and actually some really good gusts too. Sun back out as I type..should rocket back up the 80s. 87.8F high for the day. 88.8F yesterday.
  13. Saw a couple of sicko's jogging fully masked an hour ago in 87/75 mank. I mean, cmon-just dumb and kind of dangerous. Its awful sitting in the shade today unmasked.
  14. It's all about whether they bloom on "old wood" versus "new wood". New wood varieties like Limelight(like you mentioned) and others like Annabelle types bloom on new wood every year. They will bloom and come back no matter how harsh the winter or pruning. You can prune some of those down to the ground in fall or spring and they will still bloom every summer. Its the only ones I have seen reliably bloom here in VT because the harsh winters and cold springs. I have 15-20 and they all bloom every year. Endless summers varieties (big leaf hydrangeas) bloom on old wood only. They are more susceptible to not blooming due to a number of factors--winter harshness, pruning time, spring time thaw/freeze cycle/etc. When I lived in PA my endless summers would bloom some years and not others(like Cape mentioned). Glad it seems like a good year for those varieties for you guys this summer.
  15. Me: " I have to cut the lawn" Wife: Didn't you just cut it 2 days ago? Me: "It grows really, really, really fast" I was into before kids too. But certainly not really much when I was single..ha.
  16. Today felt great after yesterday. Next few days should be nice, but man that Euro is bad. Tip opined a bit on it, but that is a pig Bermuda HP, dews are going to be awful if it's correct. I like this panel..lol. No escape.
  17. Its really soupy....my dew is 70-71F. Enjoy out there.
  18. Damn, 8/28 is crazy for flakes. I know Allagash is way up in the far north, but still. Not like its 4k.
  19. The CO-OP near me here in SVT at 1700' has never had measurable snow in 60 years. Only 1 year had a trace. Doubt Jspin would have ay at 500', even with him being in NVT. Im sure he will have the graph ready in the AM though . Would think you would have to be pretty high up for Sept snow more than a trace.
  20. Red Mulch use is an absolute crime. Shouldn't even be sold.
  21. What an utter disaster that was as a Sixers fan. Doc's seat may be getting warm, but this team may need to break up in the off-season if they lose this series. Not that anyone in this thread gives two shites about the Sixers..ha.
  22. 42.2F here. Great sleeping even with windows closed.
  23. New England has some amazing stone walls, love those too. I built a couple hundred feet of stone walls all from rocks hand picked from my woods-that was alot of work..lol
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