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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. https://m.sevendaysvt.com/OffMessage/archives/2021/09/07/feds-investigate-three-vermont-troopers-in-fake-vaccination-card-probe I dont get the point of this. Where is a vax card even required outside of international travel? I loosely know one of these guys, just strange as it says VT state police doesn't require it.
  2. Yea, that sums it pretty well. Two of those SVT towns-Peru/Winhall feed into that school I was talking about needing the extra trailer space. There certainly has been an large uptick in Manchester as well, but I think maybe more of just turnover of older folks selling and younger people coming in with families, as Manchester is already an established town with decent year round population compared to the ski towns with so many empty second ski homes now being occupied full time.
  3. Best Fall Getaways: Magazine Says Small New England Town Among Nation’s Top Destinations – NECN As if it wasn't already crazy enough in October around here.. A lot of small NE towns and suburbs may be changed forever Post Covid. My older daughter who is 9 has 8 new kids in her grade this year, they had 6 last year too. Pre Covid maybe had 1 or 2 new over a 3 year period. If you extrapolate those numbers to all grades and with 4 local elementary schools, you can see the overall new influx.(Obviously 8 new per grade if probably high, my other daughter has 3-4 I think). The elementary school that serves the Stratton/Bromely area's I know cant handle the new influx this year. I think they had to bring in extra trailers or something, it's crazy. Amazing the difference from just 6-7 years ago when we moved here. You would think this would be huge boom to the local economy here, as most people moving here are white collar workers-upper-middle class and up it seems.
  4. Yesterday's 65F high definitely a little shock to the system, also was gusting to 30-35 throughout the day on some strong east flow/downslope winds. Spent 5 days in the ADKs during the peak heating this week and max lake water temp got to 83.7F. Warmest I've ever seen it there. Only thing high dews are good for, so worked out perfect swimming wise.
  5. Yea, it was literally one isloated cell sitting near the spine.
  6. There were a bunch of CT stations that had 7-8" for May in Cocorahs. Same with Mass right over the border in that same zone.
  7. Not sure to be honest, first time in ADKs for me in a month or so. I haven't heard of those, but add another annoying disease transferring pest to the list in New Eng. I haven't noticed any like that in SVT.
  8. Mosquitoes are apocalyptic in the Adirondacks right now. Full on sprint from the car to get into the house. I thought skeeters were supposed to be slow, these suckers seem to be on the juice...ha
  9. I've used the Tripoclyr from HD which is only like 8% tripoclyr and never had any issues. Just saw that Tripoclyr 4 is 61%--yikes, that could do some damage if not applied absolutely perfectly.
  10. Riding this one out in the ADKs, not expecting much of anything, but like PF mentioned, got an evening swim in before dinner..lake is 81F perfect degrees.
  11. Yes, you can check the whole state and sort by highest total--which was Willington. Staffordville had 27.98"
  12. There are ALOT of 6-8" totals in Cocorahs for May in CT. Nothing over 30" for totals though. Highest total from 5/1 through 8/19 is 29.49" in Willington. I'm sure there was as you guys are reporting it form local Davis PWS, just nothing official in Cocorahs.
  13. Yea, without looking deeper into data, I would say 9/1 sounds a little early. Maybe in the oxen and knickers era..
  14. I'm not sure, but you do seem to have every plant and tree species known to exist in New England in your plot of land there..lol.
  15. I did mine with UMass a couple years ago..pretty simple, would recommend that over DIY stuff.
  16. Scooter and Bob pretty much nailed it. Products with prodiamine as the active ingredient will give you longer weed prevention coverage--normally 90-120 days--compared to Dimension(dithiopyr active ingred) which is more like 30-60 days(at best) The reason you would use the Dimension is if you are planning on doing some fall seeding, you can do multiple apps of it and know that it will be gone from the soil most likely by seeding time(Early Sept). With prodiamine, if you drop it in May, it may last right through Sept, which is great for longer season crabgrass control, but makes Fall seeding more tricky because it will also prevent the grass seed from growing too. If your sod is nice and thick, I would skip the seeding and just do the Weed preventer.
  17. Yep, I have those insulated cellular blinds on all windows and they help ALOT keeping the house cooler while the AC is running during peak daylight hours. They help in winter too keeping heat in.
  18. Heat and dews were good for warming up the Rec Park pool though this week, felt near 80F or so. Only thing that weather is good for.
  19. For sure--low was 49.7F here, I would take those lows all summer. I know some would not agree and need it warmer. OK, so maybe 55F for the low and 75-80F for the high would be ideal--without dews of course.
  20. Dendrite or someone in the past has posted those charts showing how many hours with dews at 70F or higher for some major stations compared to other summers. Be interesting to see that.
  21. Yea, I haven't noticed them biting really, but exactly as you describe--mostly an annoying ear, eye and head attack.
  22. I noticed a big uptick in black flies here too in the past 3-4 days. I didn't realize they had multiple summer cycles--thought it was one and done in May/June? This was one of the most tame Deer fly seasons since I moved here-only noticed them on a handful of days really. Maybe too much rain and not enough sun throughout July when they are normally vicious.
  23. Although if storms miss the next few days think it will go down hill kind of quickly.
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