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Fall/Winter Banter '16-'17

Carvers Gap

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15 hours ago, Carvers Gap said:

Cold, raw night!  Warm in Knoxville.  How bout those Vols taking down those 4th ranked Wildcats!? Jeff's Jayhawks get them next.

Regrettably Kansas lost at West Virginia. We have never won at Morgantown since they joined the Big 12, so frustrating! So Kansas and Kentucky both lost which should get them both intense for Saturday. Kansas is on the road again. Kentucky probably has the advantage at home. After those two losses in a row, Kansas may lose 2 more (@K-State @Baylor). Azubuike injury (no big man now) makes KU basketball about as disappointing as the weather this winter...

Yes losing 4 games is the end of the World at Kansas. If we don't win the Conference the season is a total loss. :fulltilt:

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6 hours ago, John1122 said:

The Canadian/GFS is still advertising the same time frame. Canadian is just a bit too North for all but Kentucky but the GFS was almost perfect with a southern slider.


I guess it's a good thing that the GFS is 3-1 on the year then! Ha.  I like that we have another storm to track finally too.  Definitely a southern slider too, I agree.  Everybody in the forum would be happy if that panned out.  

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7 minutes ago, Mr Bob said:

This was as painful a sports loss as I have experienced...finally thought that we were going to break the Loserville tag...but nope...now just add biggest choke job in NFL history to the list of unaccomplishments....depressing....

I think your organization is somehow related to the Vikings organization.  lol

4 super bowl losses and then in 1998, my heart was ripped from my chest when the Vikings had one of the best teams ever assembled (Culpepper, Moss, Carter and a nasty D) and were driving against the Falcons in the NFC championship, up by 7 with a couple of minutes left.  In field goal range with a kicker that was perfect on the year 35/35 (IIRC) with 0 missed extra points.  Missed the game sealing FG, the Falcons promptly drove the field, scored and sent it into overtime.  Then they proceeded to win in OT.  It took me a couple of years to get past the sting of that one.

Still a great year for your Falcon's, but just has to be a crushing defeat for their fans.....  I'd say better days are ahead, but as a Vikings fan I am not sure if I said it, I'd believe it.... lol

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3 minutes ago, tnweathernut said:

I think your organization is somehow related to the Vikings organization.  lol

4 super bowl losses and then in 1998, my heart was ripped from my chest when the Vikings had one of the best teams ever assembled (Culpepper, Moss, Carter and a nasty D) and were driving against the Falcons in the NFC championship, up by 7 with a couple of minutes left.  In field goal range with a kicker that was perfect on the year 35/35 (IIRC) with 0 missed extra points.  Missed the game sealing FG, the Falcons promptly drove the field, scored and sent it into overtime.  Then they proceeded to win in OT.  It took me a couple of years to get past the sting of that one.

Still a great year for your Falcon's, but just has to be a crushing defeat for their fans.....  I'd say better days are ahead, but as a Vikings fan I am not sure if I said it, I'd believe it.... lol

I remember that game like it was yesterday....It was truly unbelievable....It was revenge for the Twins in '91!  

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Thank you!

When the snow looks like a bust, temps at 38 and moderate rain; then, the comma head comes as heavy snow and temps crash to 32.. win by 4 inches of snow!

KU 84 - WV 80 in OT after a frustrating nearly 40 minutes of regular time calls for the above snow metaphor, lol. 

7 hours ago, tnweathernut said:

You had to go to overtime to do it, but congrats on sweet revenge.......  :D


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This system was a brutal flop Upper Plateau. Late as yesterday I agreed with your forecast, so did not update my matching one from the day prior. I really thought you'd pull off that last-minute magic as usual.

Guess I used up all our luck on the KU game?

Looks like TRI/VA is gets some snow though. Not quite Allen Field House magic, but at least they get some light snow.

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Jax.  I have not been disrespectdul to new posters.  I can be "to the point" but not disrespectful.  I have welcomed almost all new posters, answered questions, etc   However, I have seen subforums ruined by folks that won't follow even follow the loosest of rule books.  And yes, we do police ourselves in this forum so that our forum is a place that is not inundated w whining posts about "winter is over", off topic material, spam, complaining about models, etc.  Honestly, I take offense that you bring Mr Bob and Jeff into this.  They do this for a living, meaning they are meteorologists.  I am not sure I would want to moderate a forum(related to my profession) after work every day.  They know 100x more than we do.  I am sure about 99% of what we discuss is probably old news to them.  So, it is a cheap shot to bring them into this.  We are lucky fo have them.  They bring a ton of experience, knowledge and respect to our forum.   The decisions that provide timely electricity to our very homes are prob made in-part by them.   

So, back to my response...when there is an issue I am respectful, but being respectful does not mean I have to agree. Jax, nobody wants to see you go anywhere, but don't take that as a blank check to be disrespectful.   I have ignored plenty of late night posts that were either incoherent or aggressive in nature.  I think you know that.  I asked a question last night as to why a poster was posting the exact same thing in two different regional threads.  Maybe it was an accident. Who knows?  Your next post becomes a lecture and diatribe that I could barely follow.  The question I asked even began w the word "respectfully."  I do think it is unusual to be double posting in two different regions, so I asked the question. You blew that way, way out of proportion. 

As for the board being E TN heavy, it is.  But last winter the entire forum celebrated and participated in Nashville's biggest snow in decades. Heck, I think I even started the thread and eventually named if after your region.   I think part of the reason that middle and west TN have been underrepresented is due to some really lousy winters out that way. But we all have ownership in growing and creating quality content. Whether we succeed or not depends on all of us pulling our weight.  It is not dependent on any one person.  This forum is basically a winter forum...that includes most subforums IMO.  As the winter goes, so does the forum.  The more winter wx a region gets, the more posters an area has.  When we were in the SE forum, there were very few posters anywhere west of Knoxville.  I would guess we have 10x that number now as a rough estimate.  Most of our major metro areas are now represented w multiple, multiple posters.  We have gained(just this winter) some really strong wx knowledge folks and even a new met.  We also have new posters in areas where we have been weak such as northern MS, sw TN, and Alabama.  I would like to see the Memphis market grow...but again poor winters contribute to that.  This is a great sub-forum and nothing would please me more than to see the subforum grow exponentially.  Again the 16-17 winter wx thread is the largest thread in our sub forum history...and even during a non-winter.  There is no arguing w that narrarive.  That is factual evidence of our areas of growth and areas of need and not some careless, broadbrushed statement.  


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I appreciate your input and knowledge on this forum and I have learned a lot by reading yours and others posts.

Respectfully, I am curious as to the issue with Mr. Wolf's post being in both the TN Valley and Southeast forum.  Is there a "rule"  against making the same post in each forum?   From my standpoint, his post was obviously weather related and was a generalized statement that pertained to both regions.  I've seen maps/graphs and text directly copied from the SE forum and brought over here without any fanfare or issue.  

Being relatively new to the forum and an infrequent poster, I want to make sure that I understand what's expected and allowable.  

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7 minutes ago, Vol4Life said:


I appreciate your input and knowledge on this forum and I have learned a lot by reading yours and others posts.

Respectfully, I am curious as to the issue with Mr. Wolf's post being in both the TN Valley and Southeast forum.  Is there a "rule"  against making the same post in each forum?   From my standpoint, his post was obviously weather related and was a generalized statement that pertained to both regions.  I've seen maps/graphs and text directly copied from the SE forum and brought over here without any fanfare or issue.  

Being relatively new to the forum and an infrequent poster, I want to make sure that I understand what's expected and allowable.  

Respectfully, I am not going to justify asking a question.  If there is an answer to my question, then I might respond.

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34 minutes ago, Carvers Gap said:

Respectfully, I am not going to justify asking a question.  If there is an answer to my question, then I might respond.

Respectfully, I'm not quite sure why Mr. Wolf's response or lack thereof, has any bearing on whether my question is answered or not.  In fact, we can leave him totally out of it from this point forward. 

So, in general, is there a problem with making the same or similar post in two separate forums if the subject matter is applicable to both groups?  When I registered to become a member of this forum, I read through the rules and don't recall there being any language that directly addressed this.

The reason I'm curious  is because there have been several times when I considered making the same or virtually the same post in 2 separate forums to get feedback from unique/different perspectives.  If this is a rule or an "unwritten" rule, I'd like to know so that I don't offend those that are moderating.


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30 minutes ago, Vol4Life said:


I appreciate your input and knowledge on this forum and I have learned a lot by reading yours and others posts.

Respectfully, I am curious as to the issue with Mr. Wolf's post being in both the TN Valley and Southeast forum.  Is there a "rule"  against making the same post in each forum?   From my standpoint, his post was obviously weather related and was a generalized statement that pertained to both regions.  I've seen maps/graphs and text directly copied from the SE forum and brought over here without any fanfare or issue.  

Being relatively new to the forum and an infrequent poster, I want to make sure that I understand what's expected and allowable.  

Not sure there is a hard rule against it, but we "generally" don't do it (maybe the rule is unwritten, lol).  I am guessing it was done b/c we only have about 4 people posting in the TN Valley sub-forum and he just thought he'd be more apt to get a response (or a different point of view) by doing it that way.  

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On 2/20/2017 at 9:46 AM, Vol4Life said:

Respectfully, I'm not quite sure why Mr. Wolf's response or lack thereof, has any bearing on whether my question is answered or not.  In fact, we can leave him totally out of it from this point forward. 

So, in general, is there a problem with making the same or similar post in two separate forums if the subject matter is applicable to both groups?  When I registered to become a member of this forum, I read through the rules and don't recall there being any language that directly addressed this.

The reason I'm curious  is because there have been several times when I considered making the same or virtually the same post in 2 separate forums to get feedback from unique/different perspectives.  If this is a rule or an "unwritten" rule, I'd like to know so that I don't offend those that are moderating.


I think you can probably guess my opinion on the matter.  Again, this has been blown way out of proportion and really we are beating a dead horse.  You know, I think asking a question in one forum and then waiting on an answer is kosher.  Then, if you don't get a response or need more info, ask it it another forum.  Now, just making the same statement(not a question) and then copying/pasting in each forum to me is a different matter.  It does have the appearance of chumming the water.  But w Mr Wolfe's post that may not be the case this time.  That is why I asked...and I withhold any judgement on the matter.  But here is the deal, no matter what the reason is, it is hugely minor in the grand scheme of things.  Last night's response to my question was out of bounds.  I went into great detail as to my concern there.  And you know, I am not one to hold a grudge...at least I hope not.  Arguments happen.  That is just life.  We get mad, but can get glad again.  This is a place that is a great oasis for me and hopefully it is for others.  And any concern that you see on my part is making sure that this is a place where we can talk wx and shoot the breeze in a civil manner w the understanding that Mr Bob is the final authority...meaning he is the boss and I am not.

Now, another underlying concern is that I do think we have kids under eighteen posting in our forum.  I try to give them a wide path.  As a general principle, I try not to interact w minors on an unsecure forum.  I am a teacher by trade, and that just runs against every grain in my being.  Also, I am not asking that they leave.  On the contrary, it would be awesome if a place like this encouraged a young person to become a met.  A homegrown red tagger would be the ultimate compliment for all of us.  The SE forum I think has a few success stories there.  So, sometimes that is difficult to know the difference.  And certainly, my response w young people is more measured as it should be.  And sometimes young people are just learning how to interact in a rough and tumble place like this...

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I will also add...I have seen red taggers leave forums like this in droves.  Twitter is the place nowadays. Really, it is an honor that they would have enough patience to come here and interact at all.  Must feel like a combination of overtime, meteorology 101, and kindercare.  So, I think it is important to have a place where people (smarter than me can) can feel at ease.  Many of the mets on this forum(not just this subforum) work on TV(or have at some point), work for the NWS/NOAA, or have private businesses such as news publications.  That is what drew me here to begin with.  Also, there are some great posters who do this as a hobby...that is another reason I came here.  I did not know anything other than I liked the weather and snow.  But one thing I have tried to be is respectful of the folks who made this a great place and to be a good steward of the forum the weather community they helped build.  The absolute worst thing IMO is busting a met's chops for missing a forecast...and I think we do a good job here by not doing that.

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