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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. 2.1” @ 6:00am - slowed down substantially
  2. Concur. Over my line of 1.5” by 5:45 lol
  3. Flake quality is light years better than Monday/Tuesday. This is how you pile it up
  4. 1.5” and if this isn’t 1”+ an hour idk what is
  5. jebwalk time… dare I say it’s #ripping
  6. Damn I just got caught up on this thread. Weenie says the models are still catching up and pushing south slightly… I-66 jack. Feel like DC-North should be warned. Also looking at the model depictions… gonna be some CRAZY backbuilding today. Scary watch and scary for whoever is just slightly too west.
  7. Just woke up… wow it looks like it’s been dumping. Plow just made its first pass.
  8. 2hr delay seems dumb AF to me with the timing, but I telework so it’s irrelevant anyway. Wonder if they reassess in the morning
  9. For all intents and purposes it’s done after hr22 but sure
  10. Don’t want to be a hater but 12k is the same… but I don’t like that because it’s longer so it’s the same precip over a longer period. Less intense 3k is drier That said… would’ve killed to be in this position mere hours ago
  11. Poor Bernie Rayno got bullied into moving his 4-6” jackpot zone further north. Should’ve stuck to his guns
  12. Maybe that’s the sign that we should let DC Alexandria’s thread stand If it all falls apart it’s also a good excuse to ban them?
  13. It's a little less in N/CMD, but everyone else should be happier/the same. Including you
  14. Much appreciated, haha. I'll admit to having never seen the show (before my time ) but love the problem. It's so non-intuitive but easy to explain at the same time... kind of fascinating.
  15. With pretty much everything showing at least 1" I feel pretty good about not getting totally screwed. My imaginary over/under is 1.5" for inside the Beltway. Seems reasonable
  16. looks better for DC... and should make the delmarva folks happier
  17. I'll be enjoying my 8" of snow over the past 5 days and then I'll get back to you
  18. It’s the Monty hall problem. You always want to switch doors
  19. Sounds like it’ll still be better but WxBell has no snow at 15 minus western zones so I’m wondering if whatever you are looking at is virga
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