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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. Is it time to start trolling the LR thread again? Are we really waiting til Feb. 29 for snow?
  2. We justifiably don't care but GEFS took a massive step for an interior NE snowstorm... with SNE not looking too bad either. Don't think I can chase this one so need PD to work out
  3. Verbatim it obviously works out OK but it is mildly concerning we still start the storm with surface temps too warm. I know people have recently been pushing late Feb as the time when things really get established, but I don't like not being cold enough by the 18th. Might not be important tho
  4. Is that three in a row? That’s some damn impressive consistency. Especially for a window that the LR models have keyed on for 3 weeks? At least? Ultimate “big ones lock in at range” vibes... pretty colors below
  5. Crushes Boston. Woe is us. Need to keep Baltimore as the snowiest airport on the EC
  6. WxBell can unfortunately only pull soundings to 90... but looking at the temp profile by 153 the metro is OK. Surface temps too warm... but the profile doesn't look that much different there than anywhere else. Heavy snow that struggles to stick most likely
  7. I got pulled into work after 5 (how dare they) but I was able to see the panel below and figured we got slammed. Almost dropped a between calls. Room for improvement on temps but that's sweet
  8. (for those who traditionally use Tapatalk, it’s a poll. apparently those only work on desktop/not the app)
  9. Just curious what the true vibe of the forum is -- poll is anonymous and lasts a week. Are we so back, or is it over?
  10. Not how this works at all but I’d trade the LR for the VD storm it put out this run. I’ll take snow as soon as I can get it over uncertain future prospects
  11. Gonna need a new “it’s so over/we’re so back” index for 2024-2025
  12. I’ve been trolling a bit in the long range thread but I’m actually a believer. That said, I know I “joked” a couple days ago about Tomer not being into this pattern. It really doesn’t seem like he is. I know he’s more focused on NYC than DC, but he at least ostensibly bunches them together in his analysis. https://x.com/burgwx/status/1754303304689914314?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg He’s a smart fella. We’ve got smart fellas here too, of course.
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