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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. Banter, but I don’t remember this one. Hurricane force wind gusts??
  2. Do you think we run the risk of this developing too far S or redeveloping too early?
  3. I cannot imagine what a broken weenie spirit would look like for him. Just picture the melt.
  4. Don’t think I’ve seen you posting recently. Good to see it. Hope all is well.
  5. 18z Euro looked pretty nice for CT Sun-Mon
  6. A nice little appetizer as we set the table for the main course(s).
  7. Hard not to set a low bar when recent years have been all time horrific lol
  8. Getting on the board again pre 15th would be excellent. Yeah, it looked good through 90.
  9. Obviously an op that has been all over the place so its mostly posted in jest because I find it incredible that we've basically gone from punting December to the GFS showing multiple nuclear detonations over the region in the days before Christmas. The roller coaster is something else around here and I love it.
  10. Really appreciate the work you put into those graphics.
  11. The 22nd/23rd would work on the GFS Megalopolis grid collapse just in time for Christmas.
  12. I feel great. We’re in the game for real now. That gfs run was
  13. PF frolicking by the picnic tables and Mitch burying bodies with a smile as Ray sets fire to his Christmas tree and Kev takes a baseball bat to his beloved truck in anger.
  14. Pre-Christmas miracle coming on the GFS?
  15. There would be some CT melts on that one lol
  16. You hate to see it. I really hope Kev and a few guys further east got off in time.
  17. Posting for comparison but still…big grain of salt
  18. Hard to look at this with anything but a grain of salt, but interesting nonetheless. Now the 15th looks more mixed bag for much of the interior (CNE/NNE) on the op but obviously that’s an eternity away.
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