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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. I am absolutely speechless. Video soon.
  2. Downtown Hamburg area from today’s survey. The last pic was basically the entire route there.
  3. Folks, this is all time all time. I’m back at the hotel after a wild drive to Hamburg and I’m exhausted. I have no words.
  4. This is really incredible. Working my way south and roads are virtually impassible. Too many 18 wheelers.
  5. Totally different setup and environment. Apples and oranges.
  6. Zero doubt BW’s numbers are accurate. He’s meticulous with this stuff. The pics and videos speak for themselves IMO along with the other regional observations.
  7. Nice. Looks like last night helped them catch up a little at least.
  8. Persistent band with 3-4”/hr rates. All time event down there.
  9. I’m probably just under 30”
  10. I’ve seen large and small plows used. They’ve just piled it up on the side of the streets and corners. It’s been quiet here this afternoon so it has been easier than points south. Still a lot of icy streets.
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