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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. 100% Always post the wintry landscape. We love to see it.
  2. Dude…where have you been the last two months? Any light oranges in the east and blues out west HAVE been curtains…for basically any location east of the Rockies
  3. Problem is those kids grew up and drive like absolute maniacs in our state today…and would strike a kid down and keep going like nothing happened based on some of these recent news stories and traffic statistics. It sucks to have kids lose class time, but timing is tricky when it comes to a thump I guess.
  4. Hey—nothing embarrassing about counseling or therapy. Not at all. Mental health is health. It has been unreadable for years. The only thing I care about in winter is the actual snowfall now or lead up to an imminent event. Otherwise, winter is a miserable and dumb season.
  5. You’re such a curmudgeon Be happy for the westerners…and northerners
  6. Really low expectations now after some optimism a few days ago. Just hoping I can get another inch on the board. Good luck down there.
  7. Winter finally arrives in CT next week.
  8. Same over the border. More flurries though.
  9. I do love that we’re keeping the parade of storms into February. We’re swinging all the way to the end and I do appreciate that.
  10. Does he? Being concerned about drought takes a lot of time and energy.
  11. Interesting. I’ve heard the same from followers and friends that perceive this month to be too cloudy. It really does have an impact on people. Agree. It’s all good. I still think we have a legit window between now and around mid-February, followed by a torch to close Feb and a return to actual wintry conditions for at least part of March. Although I’ve been out on this particular season, I’m not at the point where I’m internally ready for spring. The chances will come. I hope.
  12. Not a melt. Did that in December and adjusted my seasonal expectations accordingly. It was an emotional post though
  13. Even spring is nice if it’s not cold. There’s no big mud around here like places further north IMO. A nice 65° day in March and it’s sundresses and shorts with long walks in the park. Edit: went back over my photos from last year. March 9th—snow. March 18th—outdoor hoops and football in shorts.
  14. The mental gymnastics here are an excellent reminder of why winter is such a miserable and silly season to me. NYC (I know, who cares..but we have some good ppl there) is staring down all time futility and most outside of the highlands of CT are wallowing in single digit snowfall. I mean, can barely buy a trace in a January that has had every single day above normal. MA and points north only this week started seeing meaningful snow. How would any weenie—and we are all weenies—not feel horrendously burned and/or desperate after what has been an objectively putrid first half of winter that likely locks in another BN snow season, say nothing of the temperature departure? I get that everyone is looking for something to cheer for. We’re all on the same team there. But it gets exhausting to have posts that provide a glimmer of hope with the caveat “of course, no guarantees”, “cutters can happen in any pattern”, etc. Who TF doesn’t know that? Especially this winter? What’s worse by an order of magnitude however is pattern discussion that glosses over the fact that things have constantly been delayed and/or failed to produce even the bare minimum of wintry conditions and the new hopeful period requires another shot of positivity that essentially says this time it’ll be different. “Eventually persistence will fail”. Who TF doesn’t know that, either? The question is when. It’s all emotional here. There isn’t a single person here going at this without emotional defense or coping mechanisms. Just embrace it. We give latitude to lie to ourselves in winter that we never would in any other season.
  15. The EURO is offline. There is only one True and Rightful model now. LONG LIVE THE KING
  16. Right? You don’t need a lot of computational power to dump another lackluster op run.
  17. I think people around here profoundly underestimate how hard it is to 1) snow inside the Mid-Atlantic fall line and 2) do it consistently enough that it outperforms this region over a whole season.
  18. That’s one way to look at it, and probably the right way, but we keep doing blowtorch months during winters.
  19. It’s absolutely obscene. One of the worst Januaries I can recall.
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