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Everything posted by DDweatherman

  1. Youre insulting us for just tracking the model runs. I’m just trying to see if we can will a storm back. It’s not gonna snow most likely but why not see what the output looks like
  2. Maybe I looked at the wrong map, if so I apologize for bad info. I am mobile so I haven’t loaded up maps. seeing the snow axis bullseyeing NYC I assumed it was south a bit.
  3. Can you post the kuchera 10-1 from 12z and 0z? Just want to compare
  4. Yoda, it’s not snowing in Springfield most likely either way. The GGEM was the furthest south it’s been yet again
  5. The difference is less than the 12 vs 18 lol, it’s like <10 miles you know.
  6. The gfs is so close to being better given those minutia, I think it’s why the euro has been a fair bit better with such slight differences.
  7. It’s not that it’s not barely north of 18z, but him sounding like it’s resounding and absolute is what I’m laughing at. Sw base wasn’t obviously north over ARK, height lines over here were the way to tell
  8. Are you okay? It’s like 7 miles north with the 558dm height bar over us at 66. Base of sw isn’t even 7 miles
  9. All I want is the gfs to not go north so the shitty icon looks like the shitty icon
  10. Time for our least favorite model unless it’s good, the goofus.
  11. It’s definitely been worse, Synoptics aren’t that far off. Better than those darn weak sheared solutions since it isn’t THAT far north
  12. It definitely would. The h5 low at 84 on 0z is at least 100 miles WSW of 18z. I WISH it wasnt the nam at range sadly.
  13. Some other models say it might, nam at range anyways but stay tuned for more the next few hours. We know we'd be kinda in business if the icon kept coming south lol its been in binghamton for half the runs
  14. I'm here for it, the gfs going back towards the euro would be hawt
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