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Everything posted by LSC97wxnut

  1. SN- and just a light coating on untreated surfaces in Newtonville.
  2. Going to get at least a quick coating in Waltham. Can't see 128, but it can't be good right now.
  3. That streamer has generated some snow in Waltham. Nothing to heavy yet.
  4. That escalated quickly. Just drove from Waltham to Needham on 128 and it's sticking to everything. Commute is going to be a disaster later.
  5. If those three hours are between 4-7 on a weekday, I may want to emphasize how heavy [thump] the snow could fall?
  6. Putting daughter to bed with a fever when the main squall went through Newtonville. Would have been easier to tell in the day, but I'd say easily SN++ with 1/8 mile vis and a ripping wind. This front means business though. At 8:00 or so, my little thermometer read 22. Ninety minutes later it's crashed to 12!
  7. Just drove from Newtonville to Brookline Village. Very icy with a hard pack of frozen slush even on main roads. Road crews are going have their work cut out for them.
  8. Yeah, CF has gone south of me. 29.6 and pingers
  9. Just looked at KBED. 31 to 19 in an hour. Temp starting to tick down here at 32.2. Front must be just to my northwest per Wunderground. *snap edit* 31.8 and I thought I just heard some pingers on the window
  10. I see that in Metro West. Clicked on a random station in Sudbury, 30 at 6:15, 24 now!
  11. I know it's per the Wundermap, but what a gradient out there. 32 in Framingham, 18 in Northborough!
  12. 34 and rain in Newtonville. Maybe 3-4 inches out there. Going to be a pain to move later with all the rain...
  13. Most likely 1/2 S at the moment here in Newtonville. Harder to say at night since people go to bed early up the hill where my visual points are. Been stuck at 30-31 or so since the really light stuff started around 4:00. Not holding much hope of seeing more than a few inches being washed away tomorrow morning. Really hoping the cold isn't undersold and we wake up to an ice show even this close to Boston.
  14. Coating on untreated surfaces in Newton.
  15. Any word from the crew at the GTG? Wonder what their thoughts are.
  16. Stuck watching Pete B. getting a tire fixed. He's calling just below that. 6-10 for metro Boston. 12+ is limited to north of 495.
  17. *dislike as a parent of a 4 yr old daughter*
  18. Looks like they lined it up with Albany and Grey a little more?
  19. Don't have a temp here, but pingers mixed in at the Chestnut Hill Mall in Newton.
  20. I'd hazard to guess "Cause dangerous and life-threatening conditions" are the multi-vehicle accidents you always see when these squalls happen.
  21. Snowflakes mixing with rain in Waltham. *quick edit* Almost all snow actually. Near the Winter St exit on 128.
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