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Everything posted by HIPPYVALLEY

  1. Uhg, that sucks! I refuse to ski on ice now that I'm 50, too old for a serious injury hampering my life.
  2. He's fine, just jaded from this winter.
  3. Sure, like humidity fetishes that generate fantasies of driving a swamp bus that everybody wants a ticket to get on.
  4. Western MA has that everywhere. Even in Greenfield, which is the largest town in Franklin Co, the town has a truck with 2 guys filling potholes 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and they don’t keep up.
  5. I have a Subaru and some of the roads in the hilltowns around here are actually impassable.
  6. I hope it does, I would love to be raking and seeding lawn while you are bemoaning and endless slow melt and mud.
  7. Several models trying to give a glimmer of hope, can't quite call it a trend until it is an actual trend but let's see what happens as we get better sampling as you alluded to yesterday.
  8. 32F with -SHSN. Wintery morning. My wife is sad about it. lol
  9. Did anyone else get snow overnight? Woke up to a solid coating here.
  10. The flooded farm fields down the street from me had small waves on the puddles.
  11. I know! I went with our brewery yesterday while they were canning it. such great folks! Glad I wasn't driving because they had me try one of everything.
  12. Many of the back roads in the hill towns have become impassable due to mud. Dropped the boy off at a friends house in Colrain and never got the Subaru out of second gear.
  13. UMass has a mail in soil testing program.
  14. All the action will be well south of you. We definitely had some of the loudest thunder I have heard in a while this morning.
  15. Yard is about 70% snow cover now. If we ever move this property needs to go to a SNE weenie.
  16. It's 45 and full overcast here.
  17. Only a 2 minute shower but a couple of close strikes. Looks like heavy rain C VT.
  18. Moving on from beer and back to weather, I will keep and eye on end of next week.
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