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Everything posted by wxdude64

  1. Mostly ice and sleet here, just enough to make the ground white yesterday, but was a fun storm. Loved all the pics from y'all up north! Agree 100% on REAL fireplaces. I have had a wood stove in my home since built 20 years ago, nothing like that constant heat when needed.
  2. My bad, it was Feb '03. Yeah, it was wild. Called for 20 inches of snow, got almost the entire storm in sleet. EDIT: Old man memory disease lol.
  3. I think it was 07?, I had 7.5 inches of SLEET........packed in and laid on the ground a long, long time.
  4. And now we can 'officially' welcome you to the MA.........you're mind re-set has been completed.
  5. Big pink pretty ones at that. Yes, a 1/4 of totals of that above map would be awesome for most this time of the year.
  6. Yep. White for a few hours from the sky and the ground covered is a win in Nov.
  7. Just put under a watch here
  8. Yeah, but I'll be very satisfied with the other. 2-3 inches in mid Nov is sweet. I looked at my records which go back to 1979. 15th- 0.5 1986, T 2014 16th- T 2007, T 2008 So just about anything accumulating is gonna be a record.
  9. *pushes all the chips remaining into the pot* BWI: 55.8 DCA: 38.4 IAD: 57.4 RIC: 26.1 Tie LYN: 30.1 Oh, MBY: 54.5
  10. Agree, a general 1-4 inches in mid Nov for about half our area is pretty impressive
  11. My, my! Aren't we being the generous one? I'd only have removed one zero.
  12. For those wanting snow, you have to like the trend direction......
  13. The 19.5 reading from yesterday morning carried over to this am and created a new record low for today, beating 1996's 20 degree reading. That is two days in a row with new record lows.
  14. Just got power back, it went out just before I sent in morning weather reports..... Anyway, broke the record, 19.1 degrees this am! First flurries of the year yesterday morning so overall a great start to hopefully a great winter season. BTW, old mark was 20.8 degrees set last year.
  15. Currently 25.7/17.4, so need exactly 5 degrees for a new record in morning. DP has crept up a bit.......
  16. We shall see. I checked, and the record for in am for date is 20.8, set just LAST year. 26.7 currently.
  17. LOL, NWS Blacksburg keeps bumping temp down for a low tonight, 3rd time since 3 pm. Now calling for a 17 low here. That is the current DP (16.6) with a temp of 28.1. Highest wind this am was 43 mph from NW at 11:53 am.
  18. The few trees holding are the pin oaks, they stay on til almost spring lol. First flurries of the season here in last hour!
  19. Leaves are done here, winds last night took care of pulling rest off the trees. I'd say 95% are off and it is a 50-50 on placement between the ground and gutters.
  20. Temp down into upper 30's with rain here, raw almost winter-like day! I likey! Spent morning raking leaves into piles onto the paved driveway then using snow shovel, shoveled them out toward the end of property that slopes down into a ravine. 3-8 inches of wet leaves shovel just like snow, just in case someone wants to give it a whirl. It started pouring just as I came in, was a drizzle and light rain while outside. Could smell someone had fired up the wood stove in neighborhood.
  21. Nothing 'solid' here this am, but it is wet (again). So far this month I have had one dry day, that was on the 1st.
  22. My numbers for the month of October 2018 Rainfall totaled 4.10 inches, a +1.40 above normal of 2.70 inches. Wettest day was the 11th with 1.48 inches falling. There were 16 dry days, 3 with a T and 12 wet days. Averaged high was 66.0 degrees, a -1.7 below the normal of 67.8 degrees. Warmest day was on the 8th with a 84.7 degree reading. Averaged low was 47.1 degrees, a +6.3 degrees above normal of 40.8 degrees and 4th warmest ever recorded by me in Oct. Coolest was on 22nd with a 27.8 degree reading. Average temp for the month was 56.5 degrees, a +2.2 degree reading above normal. Records for the month were 4 new record 'warm minimums' on 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th. Three new record 'cool maximums' were set, 14th, 22nd and 27th. Highest wind recorded during month was 42 mph on 21st.
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