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Everything posted by lee59

  1. I just went on the National Weather Service site and it is showing Newark as 60 degrees at 9PM. Accuweather shows 43. There seems to be some problem with Newark temps today.
  2. Correct me if I am wrong but todays highs are 49 in Central Park, 50 at Teterboro and 56 at Newark. If that is correct, maybe Newark is having instrument problems. I had a high of 50 degrees.
  3. Snow in the air twice this week. Tomorrow starts meteorological winter but it seems to have started a few days early.
  4. Rain and snow here I agree if you live right on the water, they are a fair representation. However the vast majority of the area probably 99%, has been below freezing already.
  5. If they have not gotten to freezing yet, they are not a good representation of our area,at all.
  6. 23 my low also. Coldest of the season.
  7. That is what my area looked like yesterday morning about 7am. It was gone by 8, so you actually might have had the same thing yesterday but if you didn't look out side early, you missed it.
  8. Exactly, which is why it would seem to me if they remove the foliage, temps would be higher in the day and lower at night, in general.
  9. I have never seen the site in Central Park but I wonder if they want to keep it somewhat hidden because of possible vandalism. Of course they still can keep it reasonably under control with the overgrowth.
  10. On and off light snow and flurries all morning
  11. Trace of snow here, car tops and some roof tops have a light coating.
  12. It looks like much of the far north winter has started. Snow on the ground and temps in the teens and 20s. By far north in our part of the country I mean the Adirondack region east to northern Maine. Winter from Thanksgiving to April is just to long.
  13. Clouds are clearing and wind gusting to 30mph. Very blustery chilly day, 46 degrees and going nowhere.
  14. Got down to 30 degrees here but clouds moving in so that may be my low.
  15. Muttontown, the cold spot of Nassau County, already down to 29.7
  16. Another quiet wind night creating vast temperature differences from place to place.
  17. Baldwinsville NY just NW of Syracuse received about 10 inches of Lake Affect snow. Meanwhile feels like winter outside, breezy and 37 degrees.
  18. Would not be surprised to see some teens tonight in the coldest locations.
  19. Maybe some flurries this weekend around the area.
  20. 26 degrees this morning. Coldest so far this season.
  21. 28 degrees this morning, coldest of the season.
  22. Had my 7th straight night below 40 last night with a low of 37.1. Beautiful daytime highs with 67 yesterday and maybe higher today.
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