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Everything posted by lee59

  1. Looks like about 10 days before chilly or cold weather moves in.
  2. 56 degrees this morning, cooler than I thought it would get but mild for this time of year. Last decent rain was almost 2 weeks ago. So the trend continues here of big rain totals in a 24 hour period and then very little for weeks.
  3. If Newark makes it to 70 degrees today, I am going to think there may be shenanigans going on.
  4. Currently I am in the Greenwich-- Stamford area and temps are in low 60s. My house in long Island it is 70.
  5. It feels like September 4th not October 4th outside.
  6. Not so much. Newark is usually higher by a good amount. At least in my area.
  7. In recent times, hurricane Bob was impressive looking with a well defined eye as it passed to the east of the Maryland Delaware coast. Not as well defined looking as Sam.
  8. It seems the highly urbanized area of eastern New Jersey and parts of the city, are getting temperatures more like areas a 100 miles to the south, at least during the warmer months.
  9. I guess overcast skies kept that Albany temperature so much cooler today.
  10. Got up to 80 today, pleasantly warm. Nice at night with temps the past few mornings in the 40s and 50s. Back down to 73 now.
  11. Starting to see some color, but still lots of green.
  12. Not the case here, temps in the 50s. Although it is already up to 63.
  13. Looks like a tricky forecast for the coming week, in both precip. amounts and temperature.
  14. 76 degree high temperature here today after a morning low of 47. Nice weather.
  15. Could be some good swells at the beaches, maybe some overwash.
  16. Yea and can make some difference on calm nights.
  17. I didn't make myself clear. I meant last nights low, not the day before.
  18. Yesterday may have been a good example what the foliage in Central Park does to its temperatures. Keeps day time highs lower and night time lows higher. With good radiational cooling last night Newark got down to the low 50s while Central Park stayed in the high 50s. Meanwhile yesterdays highs were the low 70s in Newark and upper 60s in Central Park.
  19. On clear chilly nights with no wind, the difference in temperatures can be impressive. Not only the difference between city and rural but even where a temperature sensor is located. For example, I have a vantage vue located about 20 ft. off the ground and the temperature is 54. About 30 feet away is a vantage pro sensor 6 ft. off the ground, which is what the NWS says is the correct height, and that reading is 51.
  20. Temperatures dropping fairly quickly away from the urban heat islands. Down to 44 at Gabreski Airport on Long Island, 46 in Monticello Ny, Brookhaven Labs on Long Island down to 48. My temperature down to 52.
  21. 46 here this morning. First 40s of the season.
  22. I looked up Newark on Wunderground and it says high temperature 70 but it also says maximum wind speed 76mph.
  23. If the clouds dissipate tonight, it will be the best chance for scattered frost in some of those northern valley areas, such as in the Catskills.
  24. When I checked the Newark readings at 4, it showed 70 degrees and the wind NW at 76mph. Now the temperature at Newark is 67 degrees. So I am wondering if the 70 degree reading was incorrect. It certainly seemed like an outlier temperature reading as I checked numerous local stations in the area at 4PM and the highest I could find was Caldwell NJ at 67.
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