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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. No man's land....otoh, if trends continue that white stripe might be the sweet spot
  2. well, looks like euro (WB) came in with 2-5 across Franklin county, topping out with a 6" axis from just north of Dayton to CLE. It also looks to get a bit sleety here too at times. The usual caveat, if we do get a further south event, it's probably weaker with less snow. Still, a 2-4 incher would be the big dog of the season
  3. Well, either way, like I've said before it's kinda silly. Latitude is latitude....nothing anyone can do anything about. Sports is where you can start using excuses.
  4. I said consistent....so obviously I was referring to badger football
  5. that's right....I wouldn't be surprised if Knox county scores on this. Hell, it might even be as close as the northern half of Delaware county. I guess I could always do a 20 min chase
  6. Our best hope is with a front end thump.... our miracle Hail Mary would be just enough dynamic cooling with significant precip rates to get some respectable slop...and that's a Hail Mary. I can't recall what winter, I think it was 13-14, but the day leading up to an overnight event, all the models kept the rain snow line about 20 miles north of the city. When the snow wall hit it stayed snow and we picked up like 8-10" overnight, even places further south did well. Granted that was a different set up and a different time....long long ago lol.. .but the incredibly tight rain/snow line being modeled just north of us reminds me of that. I'm withJay /\ though, ready to move on while expecting the usual crapfest. At least we were never really in the game, so at least it can't disappoint. BTW, where's Angry? He might do pretty good with this, isn't he around Findlay?
  7. Hmmm, it's not like we've been scoring with snow this year. Must be butthurt over the consistent manhandling of the Badgers by the Buckeyes.
  8. the only good thing is it doesn't appear to be a 'big dog' for anyone, even where the axis of heaviest is, it's a moderate event. After that it's cold for a couple days and then the rain/snow line moves even further north taking out a lot of the sub. Sorry I know it's petty, but it's hard not to be in the misery loves company camp when all you've had is misery.... #bring_on_the_torch
  9. A low pressure near Bluefield WV is a classic Ohio river to Columbus crush job. Instead the rain/snow line is over Findlay. It's a new world folks.
  10. of course.... I knew any model showing anything substantial say south of I-30 was gonna be a head fake. Not to sound like a broken record but the teleconnections absolutely suck on every possible measure. In fact, even those north of i-80 should be counting their blessings if they are able to thread the needle and pull a snowstorm out of this garbage pattern....once again the lucky get luckier. I pretty much found my peace with all of this last week whent the epo went back positive for as far as the model goes out...that was the final blow. Now what I look forward to is that first 'smell' of spring and maybe a decent severe season.
  11. Our turn tonight....could be our big dog of the season. NWS talking upwards of 2"!!!!!
  12. GW everything is shifting north. We're like Nashville now. Can't wait til Josh has to go through a 'columbus-esque' winter.... it's coming Josh...it's coming Hopefully it keeps up.... wouldn't mind a solid Atlanta-type winter pattern in the future...I'm getting too old for the cold
  13. I'm dubbing it "Pondo's Caboose" I'm all in! ....oh wait
  14. Good idea, I was gonna put my Enron stock in my safety deposit box so I'll just bring it along.
  15. NAM is such a tease Granted half of that is freezing rain, but the other half is the 'caboose' system (as pondo called it).
  16. When I was in junior/senior highschool we had a pond across the street. It was a rare winter that we didn't have at least a few week period of ice skating. Most of the time we also were able to sled down the hill and build ramps out of the snow to land on the ice. We would pour water on the banks of the sled run so it would freeze up like a luge shoot. Can't even imagine that scenario lately.
  17. Whatever frozen can be scored with this current 'event'...and whoever scores better enjoy it and take lots of pics. raging +AO, +NAO, -PNA, the MJO cruising into the fabeled hell regions of 5 and 6, and to get one last kick in the sack (if that isn't enough), the epo that was recently showing a trend towards negative has flipped to going back positive. Winter is esentially over for most...not that it ever began for some of us. I don't care what fantasy snows the models show, if this crap holds /\ , it's game over. Of course there's always the chance for those nasty slop snows in early spring for those who like that kinda thing.
  18. Remember in the olden days before winters became dumpster fires and we would salivate over a map like this, (988 low over the WV apps) .... sigh
  19. Lol...im with ya buddy. I view any model showing significant snow for us with great skepticism. Teleconnections say no way. 47.5% chance a decent low pressure cuts and screws us. 47.5% chance its a sheared out wave with garbage precip....and 5% chance we thread the needle and get an event.
  20. that makes more sense I guess they were just referring to January. Not that 6", (and we're not much more), is anything to crow about as we enter FEB.
  21. they said, just a little more....you're almost there.....make it to January 20th and you'll cross into the promised land......
  22. More salt in the wound: If cincy is at .6" so far for the season, they are tied with DC. Not the kind of clique you want to be in when it comes to snowfall.
  23. Was just going to say....if I didn't know the weather forecast, I'd swear a clipper was incoming. The solid cloud deck and just the overall feel....with very light snow starting. Of course we all know the reality.
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