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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. ILN will never issue a WSW again
  2. you guys are slipping... no comments on the 18z nam coming in colder??
  3. I don't think that was unexpected. I would bet once the rate picks up you'll change
  4. All models basically take a low from AL/GA to central WV..... I'll sit back and take my chances with that.
  5. ALL TOGETHER NOW: it's colder....it's warmer...it's north...it's south...it's colder...it's warmer...it's north...it's south....we're fcked...we're good...we're fcked...we're good.... You guys gotta stop hanging on every meso run and panel.....storm's gonna do what storm's gonna do, especially when things are so close. Just enjoy watching it unfold....
  6. Thanks...that Weather.cod site looks good
  7. What do you guys use for a good radar site? I can't stand the NWS update....wth were they thinking?
  8. In all honesty I was kind of relieved.by the nam.. I thought it was going to do one of its jumps like taking the low to CLE. Man....talk about living on the edge, these models are cutting Franklin county in half lol.
  9. I was trying to recall the last time we were forecasted to get heavy snow and it turned into a sleetfest and I keep going back to Feb 2007, but I'm sure we've had it happen since then. I remember that one because we were forecasted to get a foot the morning of the storm... It was a huge screw job.
  10. No changing in the middle .....got to ride the calls come pellets or pingers! I'm sticking to mine. If the precip comes in as heavy snow, I think it'll stay mainly snow. If it let's up in intensity then it could changeover.
  11. I think my progression was TWC...Wright Weather....eastern....AmWx. Back in the day we didn't have geographic subforums.... The storm threads were like the wild west
  12. Yea that one last year sucked but we did get some redemption towards the end. That was more of a dryslot situation where we ended up with hours of drizzle. This one looks to have pretty heavy rates with the main low coming in.
  13. yup, 25 years plus with some of us.
  14. I'd draw my sleet line from about Cambridge to Chillicothe, but wouldn't rule out some pingers in Columbus
  15. Man you guys got the patient buried and embalmed before the operation Food for thought...the anecdotal kind 1. When aren't we on the line? I mean that's how we roll. 2. More often than not, these nail biters that we follow every last model run on tend to work out. Feb 2014, Dec. 04. Ironically the ones we think we're safe on are the ones that punch us in the gut, Feb 07 comes to mind. 3. This storm has another one right on its ass, which favors more progression. 4. First true arctic press involved all season. 5. Expansive snow cover over the entire state. Relax, this is what makes this hobby so interesting.
  16. I would say the nam lost a bit of cred. When a model is swinging like a pendulum it's probably time to discount it. Pretty much radar time now anyways. Not changing my prediction....but Im fully prepared to go down with the s.s. euro if we hit a sleetberg.
  17. I'm going all in. This just seems like one of those that could over perform. John Glenn airport 10.2" NW subs 11-12".
  18. Yup, it's a classic 3C snowstorm set up.....assuming the slp track doesn't start shifting.
  19. rgem looks good. Leaving out the nam current moves, all models show a low going from the Gulf to E. TN with a fresh 1030+ high in the banana position to our NW. I couldn't draw a better scenario for a Columbus winter storm.
  20. 12z rgem will be very telling if it shows support with the nam. Rgem likes amping things too.
  21. Yea we'll have to see if this is the nam being the nam or if other models follow. It would be reminiscent of the old days when we expected this to happen. Just lately everything has trended south and weaker, in fact our most recent screw job was a result of models being too far north. Ironically this is the first storm this season where we have a fresh arctic air mass pushing in too.
  22. I decided to go into lurking-only mode back in early spring. Just needed to separate myself from here for awhile. Didn't like who I became being sucked into a thread and a topic that in my opinion has no place here. This is where we come to share our illogical and unique passion for weather. It's the only place we can do it. That's ALL this place should ever be. That's my opinion and the last I will say about it So on a lighter note, I did plan to start posting around Xmas but then we actually got a snowstorm on Xmas eve/day and then more snow, and now we sit with a snow cover and a potential decent storm coming in on top. I told pondo and dilly that since I stopped posting we were having the best winter in years and I was afraid I might jinx it. So let me apologize in advance to my Ohio brethren if this turns into a 1-3" turd now that I'm back. As far as the later week threat, that's always been tenuous, so I ain't taking the blame if that washes us out.
  23. Rant done? Good. My fcking turn. If that's ALL you're going through right now....you are one of the lucky ones. The truth is there are 22 million people laid off for starters and a vast majority already live pay check to pay check. They're white, they're black, they're professionals, they're blue collar, factory workers and small business owners. They have children, mortgages, health issues....who knows...but certainly not you...you have no idea what these people are going through. The fact that you and others here feel the need to interject race and throw the race card at people who you've never met or seen before while you assign motives to their actions is disgusting. It reveals more about you then any fantasy shade you choose to project on them. Just as we have been so easily cowed into quivering inside of our closed homes and shutting down the businesses we have spent our lives building....now we're perfectly fine with nuking the first ammendment. It really is amazing. Some of you people need a swift kick in the a** and a reminder of who you are and the country you are citizens of. You berate a blue collar guy at a protest who just lost his job and livihood because according to you, it's the fault of his stupid life choices. Yet there's no problem collapsing the economy and thereby killing off far more people... all in the name of heroic covid patients, the majority who've spent the last 30 years of their lives stuffing their faces with twinkies and smoking their way into pre-existing medical conditions. Before you gasp with faux shock....all I'm doing is illustrating the other side of the cavalier argument YOU presented. Today they protest as you shame them, tomorrow they put a fcking gun to their temple. We also need to stop this faux narrative that defending the economy is disregarding lives...it's just an attempt to use shame as a weapon against anyone who dares question the state's orders. There are many studies dating back to the 1970's that show anywhere between 1000 and 35000 deaths for every 1% increase in unemployment. That's not taking into consideration an unprecedented collapse like we are now experiencing. Much of the economic damage has already become systemic and continues to metastize. It will last well beyond these ridiculous draconian shut-down measures. People have been conditioned by fear and shamed into compliance. They are still going to be afraid to fly, sit in a crowded restaurant, or go to a crowded mall for quite a long time which will extend the economic misery. The amount of death as a result of the economic collapse will dwarf covid deaths. This is just the beginning. Many small businesses will never re-open, the housing market will most likely collapse, the credit market will follow, and then the banks. Believing the government can print its way out of this is going to show a lot people, very quickly, the 'joys' of socialism. Right now this may seem like nothing more than watching a netflix documentary while having to take a couple of weeks off without pay. That's how a lot of the posters in this thread seem to act. But in the end, it doesn't matter who you are, who you work for, or where you live, the economic collapse is your biggest threat not the virus. Yet many here would rather worship the government and obediently follow policy based on virus models whose verification scores make a 1997 dgex 10 day snowfall forecast look solid. We will obey like good sheeple. Good luck if you're counting on the government and their, "we're all in this together", mantra . As far as those stupid white trash people blocking the roads in Michigan...they're light years ahead in reality and clarity. Is all lost? Maybe, maybe not, but if not it's because we're only midway thru April. How's that for a rant Go ahead and throw the weenies and flame away....I'd expect nothing less and quite frankly don't give a sh*t
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