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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. https://www.westernjournal.com/cdc-tells-hospitals-list-covid-cause-death-even-just-assuming-contributed/
  2. Weather seems so damn irrelevant right now If this shutdown/isolation culture goes to July, American small business will be decimated. 70% of our economy's engine is small businesses. Two weeks ago I told my guys we were heading into an incredible year looking at all the signals. I was interviewing people and ready to purchase additional vehicles. Fast forward 2 weeks ..... this morning I had the 'lay off' talk with my guys, it was the hardest thing Ive had to do. They're scared to death and I don't blame them. Is the govt going to bail out millions of small businesses and tens of millions of workers without a paycheck? What about the big businesses like the airlines? Apparently the U.S. treasury is populated by rainbow -shtting unicorns running the printing presses. I hope the powers that be know what the hell they're doing because they've put a stack of chips they can't afford on these distancing policies. Has anyone asked what the death rate increases to and what the quality of life degrades to when an economy the size of ours collapses? Degraded health services, suicides, violence etc. I'm guessing a death toll far greater then even the H1N1. Or maybe they can look to Venezuela for reference. I suspect after a few weeks some of these politicians and 'doctors' are going to be forced to re-evaluate how they are leveraging risk.
  3. I don't know what's more surreal, no toilet paper in any stores in Columbus, or that it's actually snowing. Seriously, if you want to get depressed, go to a grocery store. People walking around in a fog, no ground beef, no chicken breasts, no tp, and sections of empty shelves. WTF
  4. Amen, I've often said I would be less embarrassed being caught surfing porn then caught refreshing 500mb maps. With porn I can at least use the excuse, "everyone does it".
  5. Another magical photo. You're the Detroit chamber of commerce's worst nightmare.
  6. Not so good this year. I believe they had my region as being....let's see if I can recall the scientific term again....hmmmm...oh yea... "Bone chilling cold" That being said, I give them more credit than JB. At least the Farmers Almanac can use the excuse that their methodology, (furriness of squirrels and stripes on a caterpillar), can be flawed at times. JB actually uses meterological science and still ends up with a forecast opposite of reality. I just did my usual end of season subscription cancellation. I really wish I could find a model site as nice and thorough as wxbell's....and as cheap. I hate giving my money to them but their model site is awesome. I sent an email and asked if I could get a subscription discount if I just had access to the model pages and not the meterologists blogs and videos....no response
  7. YES. Nice mild dry October and November then the hammer comes down about the 3rd week in December and we get winter, (with a few warm ups here and there to keep things interesting and the atmosphere primed), until mid Feb. Yup, 6-8 weeks of memorable winter. It's all I'm asking.... Where do I submit my order?
  8. Also they can shelve the Indian Ocean Dipole that was the new hot term back in Fall and was a factor in the bullish winter forecasts for the OV. I agree with you on analogs....they are a joke, I'm not sure why so many mets use them. Chaos factor alone pretty much guarantees that seasonal analog forecasts will fail. This year the AO and the EPO ruled. A relentless positive AO and EPO are the kiss of death...period. EPO probably having more weight than the AO. It seemed everytime the EPO went negative we went cold.
  9. Shout out to JB and the gang at WxBell! Nice work!
  10. One of the most frustrating things about this winter, (and granted there have been many), is the fact that we've had several perfect snowstorm tracks for Ohio but there was just no cold air available to keep it snow. Instead of HP to our north, Canada continually gets flooded with low pressure and pacific air....it has been the story all winter. I say this as I look at the models next week....both the gfs and the euro essentially showing 1 or 2 app runners with rain.
  11. I know you've experienced less snow....I believe the year that CMH only got 9" was like '15-'16, (I think). Also lest we forget 11-12. But I do agree that this is by far the most boring winter, weatherwise that I can recall...possibly even back in the early to mid 70's living outside Philly. At least in 11-12 we had the Morch, plus I was in Hawaii most of January that winter so I didn't really care what was happening here. But this winter, with it's endless stretches of upper 30's to lower 50's by day, very little sun, virtually nothing to track, (not even fantasy storms), has been the perfect backdrop for the profoundly depressed. If there's such thing as karma in the weather world.... Jan/Feb 1978 redux should be in the cards very soon. A weenie can dream.
  12. cool, did the manager give you the day off?
  13. those were the days sonny....rekon that globular warning nonsense is to blame
  14. from winterstorm tracking to hurricane tracking! Good luck and best wishes!
  15. During the winter that's a great indicator that there will be accum snow in a week. Works every time
  16. The lucky ones who end up in the 10 mile wide death band on the nw side will probably have 1-3" as it shears out. That's probably best case scenario. Feb 25th - 28th, (mark it down) ....not sure what area of the sub...but talking BIG dog
  17. give me 2008 or 2012.... if you ain't gonna bury me....torch me.
  18. Our first snow cover actually survived the rain. Snowing nicely again. At least we'll go into the next couple cold days with a snow cover. No idea what the totals will be from this when all is said and done....but probably 2-4 and very localized.
  19. Picturesque snow. Since its wet it sticks to every little branch out there. Shame it's going to switch over eventually, would have been nice to have a day or two with a decent snow cover.
  20. Still all snow....thought I better take this while it is.
  21. Actually looks like the beginning an ole fashioned snowstorm out there. I'll just take it one minute at a time.
  22. I can put my right foot in the snow and my left foot in a puddle
  23. I f***ing knew it... we knew this was coming. Just in time for March when we finally look to Spring and want to put this garbage winter behind us.
  24. Officially dubbing this the IWXwx special
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