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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. OH God, not the phantom app runner triple phaser of Feb'09. I still have visible scars on the palms of my hands from slamming them on my keyboard screaming NOOOOO. If I recall, it ended up a washed out wave that slid off the Carolina coast
  2. Nothing's impossible, especially with the luck you guys have had, but it's really hard to get anything good out of those charts. My years of watching this stuff has shown me that when the models are showing an outcome that flies in the face of the indices, almost always the correction ends up on the side of the models, (see current storm). Then again the indices can change quickly too....but they've been stuck on hot mess mode most of the winter so far.
  3. 13 pages my god we've become the southeast forum
  4. wow.... can you imagine if that holds? I actually hope it does, that would be one of the most insane stats I can recall. I imagine that applies for a lot of locations in OH, IN, and possibly MI too.
  5. I believe the meterological term for this precip shield is called a Shart Shield
  6. Woke up to a few of the models showing a thread the needle, perfectly timed, potential snow(s) in the 7-10 day. Don't buy it folks! It's a head fake. Indices continue to suck as far as the eye can see. In fact some are trending even worse then they were. MJO travels from COD out into 6, raging +AO, +EPO, +NAO, -PNA. ***warning*** if JB talk offends you stop reading now. JB is now sounding like one of us. He showed some of the ens snow maps and actually said, "they've done this before and have been wrong all season, I don't trust them". Shocking coming from him. Looks like he's finally cried uncle to Old Man Winter
  7. Experiencing what we have so far this winter, I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't put their chips on the most pessimistic outcome.
  8. Yet another indicator of this miserable winter, Last year on this date, the "Let's Talk Winter" thread was 47 pages long Gotta admit, I kinda miss talking to the Ohio gang about incoming ...
  9. How bad is this dumpster fire of a winter? Even the clippers are drippers
  10. Latitude is our excuse.....what's yours?
  11. what an awesome winter...... it takes .7 inches qpf to get a car topper
  12. It's all good.... I understand you were talking to canuck. I tend to get a bit "trollie" when winter gets this bleak. I need a snow storm....or a snickers
  13. Eastern OH might do 'ok', (relatively speaking of course). Once the low dies over us and redevelops further east they might score a little.
  14. My apologies, I missed the part where you were only referring to Michiganders, must of overlooked it in your post. Thanks Bo, not much else to do here during this garbage winter except a little venting. Oh well, here's to the incoming rock'n FEB!!!!
  15. lol...i'm calm This is what I objected to: However, some people act like there's been no Winter at all, Whose acting? And what about that is referring to his back yard? Relatively speaking for many of us....this winter has sucked. Considering that comment came from someone who has won the lottery twice so far in an otherwise dismal winter....it came off a bit....well...
  16. Are you kidding? Maybe that's because SOME people have had no winter at all.... Seriously, you have been incredibly lucky. Look at the two storms that have made up 90% of your snowfall. One was a freak mid November record-setter and the other was a garbage storm that rode to your nw with a perfectly timed combination of WAA and a departing antecedent HP that had only been around for like a day to begin with. Detroit's location in that whole mess was about as perfect as you could ask in that set up. Your area was literally an island of winterstorm warnings surrounded by a sea of winter weather advisories. You are above normal snowfall but it's not because it's been a good winter pattern. Aren't you always saying that clippers are your bread and butter in a typical good winter? How much clipper snow have you received?
  17. When the months of December and January are a dumpster fire....the winter WILL suck regardless of what percentage of met winter we are through. It would take a FEB '10 combined with a March '08 to salvage the winter at this point.
  18. I'm going with an early Feb '98 analog storm. Weird cut off with a pocket of cold air where it does something stupid like snow in Memphis and rain in Indy.
  19. ....Never has Cincinnati had gone through a January without any snow since records began in 1872. If I lived in Cincy I'd be rooting for either a big dog or zilch....be a shame to ruin such an impressive futility record on a car topper.
  20. Up to a couple of weeks ago, (although I was clearly not optimistic for a good winter), I at least felt we would probably get enough chances to scrape ourselves close to normal by early April. That hope is 100% gone and I think this could very well turn into a sub 12" winter. It now 'officially' has that feeling. I'm starting to think we might go from an above normal Feb to an all out Morch, (which I'd be fine with at this point). I know I bring up teleconnection indices a lot....but the truth is, they rarely let you down in spite of whatever the LR models are spitting out or Bustardi-style mets are trying to tell us using kelvin waves, strat warming, or the latest term of winter, (the Indian Ocean Dipole) lol. Look at the AO, NAO, PNA, EPO, and MJO....especially the MJO and EPO and those are way more telling as far as I'm concerned. That being said, the teleconnections are almost as bad as they can be. The AO, EPO, and NAO are all heading more positive than they currently are. The MJO is now going from a brief trip thru6 into 7 and then into the COD with overwhelming agreement of exiting the COD into the warm phases. I do think as we go through 7 late week, there is hope for another junk storm, maybe the one that is currently progged to be way north.....after that, it's back to garbageville and probably for most of the remaining winter.
  21. Sorry, I can't help myself. It's kinda like spiking the punch bowl at a real boring party.
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