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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Tremendous difference this evening compared to last evening. It's 23 right now, but at this time last night it was -14. Sayonara arctic airmass.
  2. Looks like a mixed-bag for the QCA. May see all forms of precip at one point or another.
  3. MLI got down to -19 this morning, -16 here. Temps will be in the mid 20s early tomorrow morning, or about 40-45 degrees warmer than this morning at the same time!
  4. Tomorrow will make 8 out of the last 9 days with below zero temps. Definitely been a brutal stretch of cold.
  5. Pattern looking very benign after these two light rainers next week.
  6. Down to -9 already here. Still think a good chance at -20 to -25 tomorrow night when ridge passes through.
  7. Just mother nature evening things out, like getting screwed by GHDIII lol. Picked up 1.5" last night/early this morning here.
  8. Some 15DBZ returns overhead now and flake size much improved.
  9. These might be the smallest flakes I've ever seen. Like salt grains coming down lol Ratios might be trash outside of enhanced areas of snowfall.
  10. Most of the guidance gives this area 0.10-0.15" of precip. Should fluff that up to 1.5-2.5" of snow.
  11. We have a shot at -20 to -25 here Sunday morning. Some of the favored low/cold spots west of Chicago as well. High pressure ridge will be passing through the area at nearly perfect time for optimal cooling, something we actually didn't have earlier this week. Interestingly, just 24hrs later temps could be over 40 degrees warmer in these same areas as intense WAA takes over just after the ridge passes by.
  12. Temp only got down to 15 here this morning, about 35 degrees warmer than a few days ago. Wind chills 45 degrees warmer. Perfect icicle making weather with lots of sun and temps in the teens. Gonna be some giant daggers by the end of the day from many a gutter around the neighborhood.
  13. Looks like a fresh layer of fluffy snow tomorrow night around an inch or so, and then we start to lose snowpack next week.
  14. Pretty nice not to have to worry about mixing or low ratios for all areas with these waves.
  15. 80.5hrs, you added a day lol. Didn't go below zero till Sat eve the 13th. Very impressive nonetheless!
  16. 60+ hour below zero streak ended this afternoon as expected. Made it to +2. Back down below zero again now though.
  17. Temp rose to -2 this evening with a little thermal ridge passing through. Heading back down now though. Below zero streak now at 51 hours. Looks like we'll make it to above zero by midday tomorrow though so streak will end around the 64 hour mark.
  18. The longevity of the below zero streak is pretty impressive for some areas. Not record breaking but still pretty rough. Today was the opposite of yesterday when temps underachieved, today was expected to only make -6 or so, but have made it to -4 with temps still slowly rising.
  19. 1-3" swath of snow looking likely Thu night through Friday across a decent swath from Iowa/Missouri to IN/OH.
  20. Yeah it's hard to believe it's only been about 4.5 months since the 123 degree heat index day (Aug 23).
  21. Only made it to -9 this afternoon, even colder than expected. Daily high will by -8 though which occurred just after midnight. Back down to -13 already. -20 or colder looks like a lock for tonight.
  22. Another 0.5" yesterday and overnight, which brings us to 19.9" in the past 6 days. Last season the whole seasonal total was a bit over 22", so we've nearly matched that in just 6 days lol. MLI has had nearly 26" in the past 6 days. Officially 16" OTG there and also at DVN. Prob 14 inches or so here.
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