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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Yeah. I can see this being a situation where official totals end up north of 7-8" but for the casual observer it'll seem more like a 5-7" type of event. It's not realistic for me to be here every 6hrs to measure so I'm assuming my total will be less than DVN/MLI lol.
  2. DVN all in with 7-12" forecast for the QCA. Southeast portions of the cwa are now in danger of some mixing/dry slot issues, but should still do pretty well there.
  3. Marginal temps and relatively lower LSRs make it a bit tricky, but 5-6" for the QC looks pretty good at this point. Banding with the deformation should improve ratios though as RC mentioned earlier, so wouldn't be surprised if we can muster 7" or a little above if model trends hold.
  4. Steady snow this evening have added another 0.3", so up to 1.0" for the day.
  5. Like a bad case of the crabs, just won't go away. That should be his next username after this one gets banned.
  6. I'm changing the oil in the snow blower today or tomorrow. Gonna be getting a workout in a few days.
  7. Nice surprise here this morning with 0.7". Wasn't expecting much other than a few flurries.
  8. Seeing a big signal way out in advance on many different runs of different models is a pretty big sign something big is going down. GHDI for example was seen a week plus out. Looks like we may have a real monster to track here boys.
  9. Early thinking for this area is 3-6" of white cement. Will be a nice base for the snows that follow.
  10. Haha oh yeah. My birthday's next Sat the 13th so this one's def gonna work out.
  11. We're all gonna have backyards like Bo's by the end of January.
  12. The parade of potent systems showing up in the mid-range by all the models is very impressive. It's like we have a nice rally going in baseball. Keep the line moving.
  13. Kind of a weird screw job from northeastern Iowa up into Wisconsin. Hopefully a scenario like that doesn't come to fruition lol.
  14. 18z GFS would probably produce drifts that would last till May in the La Crosse area. My god what a run.
  15. Finished December with 2.7" of snow here, and 3.02" of precip. Not bad considering the overall pattern. DVN managed 5.2", and MLI received 2.9".
  16. Some kind of sociopath. Gets off on trying to make people feel bad.
  17. A few fast moving heavy snow showers deposited a quick 0.4" here early this morning.
  18. Long long way off but the consistency for something big showing up in that time frame off the op GFS is interesting. End of the op Euro run, but has a nice look to it as well. Certainly seems like a good chance we'll finally have something to track with this.
  19. It looked like a major blizzard for places as far west as this area, and then it started bumping it eastward as guidance kept delaying the bomb. Got <2" with that here as well, but the high winds/extreme cold were extremely impressive. Can't imagine how bad that would have been with 6"+ OTG.
  20. Have picked up 0.8" here. If one were able to take official 6hr measurements we surely had more, as there's been several thaw backs of what has fallen throughout this 12hr+ event. If none of it had melted we likely would have exceeded 4 or 5 inches. Even though 80% of what fell melted it has still been a great event. Long-duration steady snowfall. Unlike what many of the models had advertised, we never transitioned over to rain.
  21. Nice little vort coming down the pike for Sunday. Should produce nice snow showers much of Sunday for a good chunk of the sub. Won't amount to more than a DAB in places, but will be nice mood flakeage for New Years Eve.
  22. A nice snowy day here. Mostly light/slowly falling snow but nice dendrites. Had a few bursts of smallish cottonballs. Warm ground and marginal temps kept the snow from accumulating more than a few tenths on grassy surfaces here. If it had been colder we would have accumulated 2"+. Now that it's nighttime it seems to be sticking better on the grass again.
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