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Everything posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. 43 in wantagh. Might have a shot at some frost in the morning
  2. I was living in long beach at the time and we got a slushy coating on closer surfaces. Same in wantagh where I live now. I drove NW to see the snow and there was def a line in queens where it went from a coating to a legit snow event. The north shore had nothing as you said. That was a truly incredible event followed by an awful winter
  3. The tree damage in NW CT was incredible. Especially with oaks which drop their leaves late. The same reason oaks suffered during sandy. It looked very similar to the damage in the Montreal area after the 98 ice storm. Whole canapys bent down but the trunks remaining. if we do happen to have a high wind event there will be allot of tree damage here as the trees are behind from the warm September. Hopefully the cold this week and next will speed things up.
  4. Could be out last shot at a big coastal for a while. I wouldn’t expect any snow at the coast but it could be a blue bomb for areas above 2k in the Catskills and New England. Then afterwards November is notorious for cutters.
  5. Very windy on the UWS currently. Leaves are blowing every where which definitely adds to the fall feel.
  6. I never like to be in the bullseye this far out. But another 95/96 wall to wall winter would be shangrala for me. And I like Bluewaves point. A blizzard of 1888 track with today’s much moister atmosphere would be a 50-60” storm for us. Let’s do it before we eventually cross that threshold of not having enough cold air
  7. Winds were strong enough during that brief window this morning to knock down a few small branches in wantagh. Pretty impressive for a storm from the gulf interacting with an early fall front. Michael definitly wound up way north of forecast. The hurricane models did best with its track
  8. 2.31” in wantagh with very gusty northerly winds. If if it were 2 months later Suffolk would be getting pounded by a ccb with incredible rates
  9. I agree but it waxes and wanes so we win some and we loose some. As long as we do not have a repeat of 01/02 where the whole country is wall to wall warmth I’m ok with loosing a couple
  10. While I agree somewhat, I was referring to point st. Joe not port. Point is that tiny little barrier island. Not all barrier islands are equal and that one looks especially bad. It’s basically just a sand bar. There was one area of Rhode Island that was similar and completely destroyed during the hurricane of 38. It was not rebuilt even back then.
  11. Exactly, not even close. Just like Andrew all the intense wind was with the core of the eyewall. Intensifying high end storms do this.
  12. I wonder is there is anything out of point st. Joe. That, looking at a map is an area that should not be rebuilt. A long barrier island ending in a state park. That rest of it should be added to the state park.
  13. About as perfect an eye wall you will see hitting land. And I saw the Forrest outside homestead afterwards as a kid. Complete and total blowdown of pines. Maybe 1/100 still standing.
  14. Pretty incredible sluge of moisture. If it were February we would be waiting for on for the ages to start
  15. Tell me about it, I’m working on a huge terrace project and I’m sick of sweeting. suns out on the uws. Destabilization time
  16. Wow that’s impressive. I thought that was 925 at first
  17. That first batch definitly had that tropical feel to it. Those super high PWATS are going to dump on somone later. The question is where. Right now I would favor inland areas closer to the front. Michael may scrape the far East end but that’s about it. I’m more looking forward to a nice windy fall day tomorrow.
  18. Of that we’re to verify we would have tropical storm conditions on the island
  19. Brutal in Manhattan today. I cannot wait for some legit fall weather to work in. I could easily see is being just to far north for the Michael precip and just too far south for the front. Winds should be pretty gusty Friday morning out of the north which will bring down any loose leaves as we have had a lack of even moderate winds lately
  20. Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised to see it trend north. There could also be some gusty winds (in the 30s) associated with it as it goes through extra tropical translation and the wind field expands.
  21. Relaxing shear and a loop current eddy. Your going to eat that in 12 hours when this is 130. It will weaken on approach but I like a 120 landfall
  22. That’s exactly what I’m thinking. It’s going to be winter cancel and then kaaaaaaa boom
  23. Yup, one of mine died back to the ground after feb 15. It did send up shoots and I have trained them back into tree form. The darker and more towards red the less cold tolarent they are. They are a souther tree and that’s why they leaf out so late.
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