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Posts posted by WxUSAF

  1. 1 minute ago, stormtracker said:

    That confluence is a bear tho

    Yeah, but also helps keep it cold. 

    1 minute ago, Ji said:

    you have teasted us twice already today ---into light snow/flurry events. Bring it home man!

    Trying my best!

    Just now, psuhoffman said:

    I am a little worried about the NS wave coming across Canada right on top of it....otherwise its BEAUTIFUL but...we need that flow to our NE to back off a LITTLE and that wave threatens to squash it south...will be close though.  

    So many shortwaves...lol.  But damn it's pretty. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, yoda said:

    Seems to be washing out the s/w though comparing 120 to 132 at h5 level

    Northern stream does kick it away a bit, but it's also weaker than previously shown so it gives the storm some room to amplify and give us a light event. 

    All good trends today at 12z so far.  And maybe offers a couple ways to win:

    1.  Northern stream phases in

    2.  Stronger southern s/w does it all alone as long as northern stream goes away enough

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  3. 3 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    Much better. It phased but then it left a piece behind which stretched out the trough positively tilted and prevented the system from amplifying. The kicker diving into ND didn’t help either. The pattern has huge upside but all these NS SWs flying around are making it difficult. 

    Yeah, this was a cleaner evolution at 500mb.  Less random s/w's to muck things up.  A kicker still there though, yeah.

  4. Next week really seems to come down to the position of the Northern stream s/w's.  If they are progressive and slide east, then the main southern stream s/w just gets washed out and the low either doesn't develop or is just a fish event.  If they are weaker or phase into the southern s/w, then we have big dog potential.  

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  5. Just now, psuhoffman said:

    There is much less of a suppressive flow in the way of that wave. But it’s also more complicated then the fairly simple bowling bowl system this week. Need multiple parts to phase. If they do it will come north though. It’s always something lol. 

    Yeah, it's a phasing situation.  Which opens the door to big dog potential, but it's a complicated pattern with so many shortwaves flying around.  

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