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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. I've experienced that. As well as rain and fog and blue sky.
  2. Since I'm lapping the field in the snowfall contest, I expect the same level of respect Kammerer got for his call last winter.
  3. 18F multiple rounds of snow flurries yesterday between about 9AM and noon.
  4. I, myself, want more of a compromise. I'd rather have lots of big events.
  5. Wishing all a blessed Thanksgiving. Safe travels to all those crossing over the river and through the woods to Grandfather's house you go.
  6. 1.14" Desperately needed in lot of parts. This should put an end to all the fires in VA.
  7. He is the weeniest of weenies. He'd forecast snow in the middle of summer on the equator.
  8. Well, some things are. Death, taxes, and - for us - heat. Heat is always guaranteed for us.
  9. Dear Canada, Enjoy our smoke. Best regards, Virginia, USA Sic Semper Tyrannis!
  10. . 31" yesterday. Little over-performer. Much needed.
  11. Saved from an 80F day by this prefrontal cloud line. Produced a few sprinkles of rain, but significantly dropped temps. Grateful.
  12. Another dry FROPA. .84" for the month. Right back to drought.
  13. .34" Total. . 84" for October. I dont really want big rain in October, but I am really tired of these GL/OH lows repeatedly too north of us.
  14. Good thing this isn't a winter storm, because this sucks. Got an early morning shower and not a drop since. I could've gone hiking today. Smh.
  15. Picked up .25 yesterday and .25 on Saturday morning. .50" for the month so far.
  16. Great day to be in Blackwater yesterday. Afternoon in the mid 40s and lots of color. Gorgeous.
  17. Can't wait for this cold front to get here.
  18. It's the most wonderful time of the year...
  19. Literally, the only times I don't want rain. Lol. Hiking trip to Blackwater looks in peril again.
  20. Will be out there next Saturday. Hoping it's near peak.
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