Yeah, recent research has really shown its a very important piece of the puzzle. Plus, this particular year, there's even more to that. La nina plus EQBO plus low solar (which lags ~3 years) cumulatively increases the North Atlantic response to said mjo. So the base state is primed to be very receptive. It's all a big part of the reason I got interested at the possible progression earlier this month. Now it's all about to get underway and I'm fascinated to see how this all goes.
As shown by the spatial correlation resultsofFig. 10and the SLP/SAT diagnostic results ofFig. 11,composites for combined SMIN/cool ENSO, SMIN/QBOE, and SMIN/QBOE/cool ENSO conditions produce progressively stronger MJO modulations of meanSLP and SAT anomalies in the North Atlantic/Eurasiansector. These results are consistent with previous workshowing that the QBO interacts with other low-frequency stratospheric signals such as the 11-yr solarcycle