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Everything posted by Floydbuster

  1. I'm surprised the NHC was still as conservative. I'm typically conservative with intensity as well because of so many storms fizzling in the past, but Elsa is impressing me tonight.
  2. I didn't wanna say it, but yeah. I have a feeling it was similar to the World Trade Center. The way the condo pancaked. Add in the heat, the fires, the amount of time. It's very sad. The recovery forces are working as fast as they can, but I have a bad feeling.
  3. Yeah I doubt if we even get that much here. I'm thinking maybe 3 inches, MAYBE.
  4. 14 inches my *ss. Dry as a dog bone in the Cuyahoga Falls region for most of the last three hours. Some sleet on and off.
  5. I'm a hurricane guy, winter is not my hobby. Can you explain in layman terms what is happening to allow such a bust in central Ohio? Too warm of air?
  6. I'm hearing ice hit the windows outside now near Cuyahoga Falls.
  7. Near Cuyahoga Falls. Quiet and clear.
  8. Cleveland Mets are saying the big snow should occur between 10pm and 3am. Looks like a dry socket over much of central/northeast Ohio, and more sleet and mix pulling up into Canton. This storm was REALLY hyped up here, hopefully it's not a total bust. People expecting 8-14 inches throughout Northern Ohio.
  9. It's dark so it's hard to tell but nothing "massive" yet here near Cuyahoga Falls.
  10. It was a very weird hurricane season. I think I'm getting old. It was 20 years ago that I joined the first hurricane message board, which eventually lead to more of them. It just seems like it used to be easier to keep track of "active" hurricanes. When I was a teen, the costliest storms were easy: Andrew, Hugo, Floyd. Boom. Done. I wouldn't even know what the list is now. You have storms like "Sandy" which wasn't even technically a hurricane at landfall. We had a Cat 5 landfall in 2018, but it was in mid-October. We had a slew of extremely busy years (2010-2011-2012) with lackluster landfalls, followed by incredibly slow seasons (2013-2014-2015). Seasons so "boring" that I essentially feel like I didn't track hurricanes during much of the Obama Years. 2020 was insane, but I don't understand all the backlogged seasons in the last decade. What's with the insane Octobers? Weird high-latitude Cat 4s in October like Ophelia 2011? Cat 5 U.S. Landfall in mid-October 2018? Hurricane Joaquin with his messed up late-season southwest track in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? This year: Delta, Zeta, Eta, Iota....all monsters...all in mid-October or later. What the hell? Is it some sort of climate change? I'm a skeptic when it comes to hurricanes and climate change, but it sure as hell feels different. "Busy" seasons when I was a teen were like 2001. The "I" storm in October. Now we have a Greek letter in October. What gives? Any ideas? Are we naming too much junk? Another thing: What's with all the non-U.S. hurricanes being put on U.S. landfall lists? Putting random Typhoons that hit Guam 60 years ago on a list with Michael and Andrew. What the hell is that? Saying Hurricane Maria "hit the U.S." I have relatives who live in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is not the United States of America. Now I see the 1928 hurricane's Cat 5 Puerto Rican landfall being called "U.S." landfall. What the hell is that? I guess I just got used to Steve Lyons and John Hope on the Weather Channel with Kristina Abernathy and Jeff Morrow tracking normal hurricanes on normal maps. I turn on the Weather Channel now and they do "Special Coverage" of an invest. In my day John Hope would've circled it on the tropical update at :50 past the hour and said "Nothing there, but we will watch it. That's it for this time." Now there are supermodel women with 3D graphics showing invest model plots. It kinda takes the notoriety out of our online weather community.
  11. I know this sounds crazy...but I wouldn't be shocked if there were still MORE storms after this. Maybe a few more name wasters out at sea, and another Western Caribbean hurricane.
  12. Looks like even 2020 is gonna add a historic "I" storm after the fact.
  13. Quite a hurricane season, and I'd still watch the Western Caribbean the rest of this month for sure. Thus far, we've had 28 named storms, 12 hurricanes, and 5 major hurricanes. However, there is a high likelihood that Gamma was a hurricane at it's Yucatan landfall, and I wonder if Sally or Zeta reached Category 3 status. If all of that takes place posthumously, we could have 28/13/7. I think (similar to 2005 actually) we had a surprisingly lack of long-tracked Cape Verde activity. Laura began from a wave, but it developed later. Teddy was the only true long-tracked Cape Verde hurricane, although Paulette technically counts. I guess I just grew up in the 90s during the days of true long-trackers like Hurricane Georges. It looks like if nothing else hits the United States, we had six hurricane landfalls. Hanna, Isaias, Laura, Sally, Delta, Zeta. Remember though, at one point, Cristobal, Marco, and Beta were all expected to be hurricanes at landfall....so we could've had NINE hurricanes. I think the fact that five of the six were technically Category 1 or 2 does play a role, especially after 2017 had two Category 4 landfalls, and 2018 had a Category 5. Nevertheless, all five storms packed a punch and one was a rare near-Cat 5 Gulf Coast landfall. (Another thing I remember growing up was how much storms usually weakened on approach to the Gulf Coast in the 1990s/2000s).
  14. Why have three recons turned around in 24 hrs? What in the world??
  15. I'm always amused how this disastrous 150-160 mph November monster hurricane is nearing Central America and some people are wondering why it's ONLY a monster borderline Cat 4/5.
  16. I said 922 mb/140 kt. I was skeptical it was anywhere near the ejaculation levels people were predicting.
  17. I am waiting for the next advisory lol
  18. Watching the satellite, Eta's eye just got even BETTER defined, and those extreme cold cloudtops now make up the entire CDO. Similar to Wilma, to be honest.
  19. 100 mph, Cat 2. This is definitely strengthening due to enhancement from the trough picking it up.
  20. This is now Zeta. It seems like westward adjustments towards the Yucatan may be necessary.
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