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Everything posted by weatherbo

  1. I don’t think people are as restless as they are worried.
  2. After a high of 29 yesterday and low of 8 overnight, we inch up a degree to 30 for the forecast high today with more popcorn type 5 minute blizzards. By the weekend, hopefully some weather resembling springtime. Took this pic yesterday, vehicle has been sitting there all winter long, hope they're ok
  3. Consider yourself lucky. This is what we're dealing with in the UP still. Tired of the snow this year. I literally dream of warm, puffy-cloud days outside barefoot... lol
  4. On that same date, he also advised the President that it was okay to proceed with campaign rallies as long as people were healthy, then quickly changed.
  5. As late as Feb 29th, one of the primary experts (Fauci) advising the President said in an interview on the Today Show, "No need to change lifestyle yet". If that's what was being advised at the time, what do you think the president should have done differently, instead of listening to the experts? Plenty of blame to go around. Hopefully as a country we can learn from this and make better decisions next time.
  6. I find it interesting during yesterdays presser, Dr. Fauci stated that the president never once didn't listen to their recommendations and didn't "push back" at the idea of shutting down. The president said yes to every recommendation made to him by the "experts".
  7. A couple more pics... no need to clean it up right away, we aren't even allowed to fart here. yesterday today
  8. Yeah, it's mid-April, my heart isn't broken. Been snowing very heavy for the past couple hours. Probably picked up another few inches.
  9. A couple things didn't go as planned...lol Storm ended up tracking a little further east and not as strong, snow ratios appear to have been lower than thought overnight, also.... drier air moving into the west already will end the snow sooner this afternoon. That said, looks like around 18" has fallen, with a liquid of 2.04. Should at least reach the two foot mark before it's over. Wind really kicking up now with heavy lake enhanced snow falling.
  10. Snow coming down pretty steady now. Not having any trouble sticking, it did a little initially on the gravel drive. Wind has been increasing out of the north as well with a temp down to 30. Will post pics some time tomorrow. Map covers most of the storm. Bullseye of 30-36" added now.
  11. Not just higher ratios, it wrings out the moisture with added lift as well.. Compare precip totals, not just the difference in snow amounts. There is a bias in the wrf's to boost the upslope component, but I've noticed when most all hi-res agree on an idea, it usually comes close to fruition. I'm expecting 25-30" with the possibility of higher amounts, especially if you look at how the models arrive at the heavy totals, with an enhanced lake band setting up as the storm departs. I'm not near a town. I live in the north part of Ishpeming township but have a Big Bay address and PO box. I consider "my town" to be Negaunee, even tho It's quite a trek because of having to drive around the 11 mile long Dead River Basin. I can ride the sled to Negaunee in half the time it takes driving, by crossing the frozen basin just north of Negaunee.
  12. This is getting ridiculous. 4 feet? I'm starting to worry about possible roof issues. Snow has started
  13. I'm not arguing the validity of the lockdown or social distancing measures, I've been out two times in a month. It's just the list of essential/nonessential seems arbitrary to me.
  14. I guess driving to the gas station to purchase lottery tickets, totally essential. Can't go buy paint but you can go to the pot shop. It's just silly. Also... a lot of people in colder areas indoor garden and greenhouse grow and the time for that is now.
  15. Have run to Negaunee today for some extra gas for the generator, I'm thinking. This is gonna be a doozy.
  16. 18z NAM (and other models) continues to pick up on a lake enhanced band of snow as the storm departs. This run NAM goes nuts with 3.5' of snow. Will be interesting to see hi-res models this evening.
  17. I did not know that. On average 20 inches of glacier pack is left. A little more/less in some spots.
  18. I know it has snowed here in June before, I haven’t witnessed it. I’ve seen graupel a few times. Accumulating snow in May seems pretty frequent tho.
  19. 6 inches... that’s it? It’s April, 10 or go home.
  20. First call here 25-28"... chance of 30" like April 15-17th, 2018.
  21. Might as well end the season with a bang. MQT mentioning possible widespread blizzard conditions Monday afternoon as colder air wraps in and snow becomes a bit fluffier. Don't see this very often
  22. I removed and serviced the blower attached to my quad already so of course it's gonna snow 2 feet.
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