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Everything posted by weatherbo

  1. If only it would stay this nice. Supposedly. I hear and see stories of people finding them by the dozens in mid to late May, but for whatever reason my local area doesn't seem to have them. I've not found a singe morel in 7 years of looking. I've often wondered if it's the heavy pine or just harder to spot with the ferns that grow up so quick. It was so easy to find them in Indiana. Some local grocer's will carry them in-season and they're much cheaper than buying them down that way.
  2. .25" of rain this morning, with temps around 40 this afternoon. Fog settled in after the rain but am hoping for some late day sun and a small spike in temps for a bit. Road up to my place... mud season starting.
  3. Michigan in particular with its tourist driven economy could really face hard times. I can't imagine the UP without the summer visitors. There's 311, 000 people UP-wide, many businesses would fold pretty quick if people can't afford vacations and travel. The ripple effect of this whole situation is still unknown, but business as usual is done. (imo)
  4. UMB must have been tossin' em back last night.
  5. My sister and her bf, who both work as RN's at a hospital in central Florida, both have symptoms and were told to "come in anyway, probably allergies".
  6. I'd assume misinformation or even ignorance over racism in the case of Rogue. I believe he is a good guy and that's all I'll say.
  7. Meh...I don't believe Rogue is racist. Maybe I'm racist for not seeing he's racist.
  8. After front end rain starting this afternoon late, 12z NAM along with other hi-res guidance pointing to a backside thumping here in the Huron snowbelt. woo wee!
  9. After a high of 42 yesterday and some rain and snow overnight, temps are a little cooler today but still 35 degrees already, which isn't bad at all. Thaw has seemed slow this year, the high water content of the snow pack is one reason. Ready to call it a season... Itching to get outside and start spring projects and winter clean up... still a month out probably In case anyone is missing snow, this is what it looks like at my house Edit: 2:30 pm 37 degrees... what a difference the sun makes
  10. I had to turn away from the constant coverage of this crap. It was making me sick. Fear mongering, hate, hypocrisy, lies, day after day... no thanks. I'm back to living my life and watching the clouds.
  11. I'm equally concerned about the economic hard times as a result of the virus, as I am the virus itself. Whitmer prettied the name up a little and issued a "stay home, stay safe" order. I think some areas of our country could really come undone in the next weeks.
  12. If? There’s a paper trail. politician's have been hacking away at this country from the very start. They ARE the downfall
  13. Reports are Harvey Weinstein has tested positive for the virus in prison. I call BS!
  14. Misinformation, an out of control msm, disgusting social-media, a political war still raging. I can understand why people may feel unsure and scared. Hoarding and stocking up on things is a line of defense humans/animals have. An instinct similar to perhaps what drove you out into the boonies. I find it a little odd that the majority of people weren't at least a little bit prepared for SOMETHING. Your life is either too cozy or you aren't in touch with the basic human instincts... feed and defend. Probably a smart move you made to distance yourself. Beyond the scope of the virus itself, I think the next few weeks will be trying times to say the least.
  15. Must be doing some serious testing downstate. Michigan cases soar to 787 with 4 known deaths. I've heard the hospitals in the UP do have test kits, no confirmed cases yet.
  16. So when does the stress on "essential workers" start to weaken the supply chain if this is going to go on for months? This is the time to unite.
  17. Storm is over. The wind and snow combined made for a nice event. Some big drifts around the house inside view outside view
  18. Presser at 4:30 with Gov Whitmer, suspect a SIP order incoming for us too.
  19. I'd go a step further and prepare for more than SIP. The best in humanity will rise up but so will the worst, especially if the economy leans more towards a collapse in coming weeks. I'm a prepare for the worst hope for the best kinda guy.
  20. It's fierce out this morning. Snowed pretty much all night after 1/4" of rain yesterday. Snow turned very heavy a couple hours ago, with 2" falling since around 7am. This higher terrain that hugs superior shoreline is getting hammered with intense micro bands embedded in the main shield of snow. I'd estimate 8-9" so far.
  21. Rained steady all afternoon then switched to heavy wet snow an hour or so ago... should snow heavy all night with a winter storm warning in place until 5 pm tomorrow.
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