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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Wow. Really knocking that one gondola car around. I assume they were able to stop and unload the gondola before anyone got into that firehose.
  2. He can pick up a moose fart as good as anyone!
  3. Lol, you must have a Google alert set up for “snow in New England”.
  4. Unfortunately for the people next to me on the treadmill at the gym, yes.
  5. Fffffffftttttttt. I don’t even brush my car off for 2” let alone shovel or snowblow.
  6. In other words, it's the preferred model for most here.
  7. High above beautiful downtown Hardwick!
  8. That makes sense. I never think Stowe is as far up 100 from Waterbury as it actually is. Woodbury gets a lot of snow. It’s 2 ridges over from Stowe. The camp I go to during deer season is on Buffalo Mountain. The view catches a small piece of Mansfield all the way up to Jay Peak. Woodbury also has more lakes and ponds than any other town in the state.
  9. Big snowmobile spot. Lots of snow. Dry spot would know a lot more about it. I hope to get up there and ride at some point.
  10. Not sure about the 12” tonight but I was surprised how much snow remained where I was tonight about 15-20 miles northeast of Stowe in Woodbury, VT. Snowed the entire time I was there too.
  11. Zach’s Pop been pretty quiet lately too.
  12. All trails closed here. Even the County got hit it seems. Somewhere between patches and full coverage in my yard and the woods out back. Driveway is a block of ice. I used a lot of sand and salt just now trying to make sure it’s passable when the freeze comes.
  13. 45 here now. Looks like we hit 53 so temps on their way back down. Snow remains in my back yard for the most part. Areas where I had snowblower for the dog are bare and some spots that were more wind blown too. Ugly though.
  14. Was thinking the same. Go to bed thinking the pack survived only to wake up to decimation.
  15. Interesting temp differences driving around this morning. 42° at my house, elevation 1250' and 33° here in Montpelier, elevation 540'
  16. Will needs to post the pic of him hanging from the lift tower by his reindeer sweater.
  17. The bright sunshine was clouded by my tears thinking about what’s coming. p
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