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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Cue the “Well you guys got what you wished for” posts.
  2. Think about that, they were paying the additional $900. It's crazy
  3. Drive through Lake George, NY on the way home this afternoon. The gypsy moths have really done a job in that area. Looks like spring before leaf out.
  4. This guy hung around or cabin in Cody, WY the couple of days we were there.
  5. So if your portion was 20%, you were paying $240 every other week?
  6. COBRA is the continuation of the healthcare policy you had prior to changing/losing your job. You are paying to continue coverage, that’s the C in COBRA. So you are paying the entire cost, not just the employee portion. This link says you can actually pay up to 102% of the plan premium. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/health-plans/cobra
  7. Apparently lake trout were introduced in Yellowstone sometime in the 80’s and had a really bad impact on native species. They try to net out as many as the can each year.
  8. Only on the interstate. This was on state and county 2 lane roads. On the interstate it's 80 in SD & WY, 75 in NE
  9. So there was a Korn Ferry Tour event in Falmouth, ME this past weekend. That would have been fun to attend.
  10. I just looked it up. Funky little place for true die hards I guess. https://beartoothbasin.com I gotta say though, you have to love a places that has signs saying it’s illegal to ride snowmobiles on US Rt. 212. And I figured out we didn’t do the Beartooth Pass. We turned back int Wyoming before it.
  11. So, the Tetons don’t suck. We are in Casper for the night. From Jackson to Casper is 4.5 hours. That part of Wyoming is the emptiest place I’ve ever seen. Cows, pronghorns and a couple of coyotes. It’s beautiful in its own way. Speed limit is 70 on all the roads and 80 was the norm.
  12. I saw some yesterday. Wyoming is probably a bit far for you to go though.
  13. I had thought about flying into Rapid City and renting a car but the rental prices were crazy. The Black Hills have a nice mix of different types of lodging that fit many budget points and are very accessible by car. That's one of the reasons that Sturgis is so big, the riding in the area is fantastic. The Badlands were really interesting too.
  14. I just looked it up. Funky little place for true die hards I guess. https://beartoothbasin.com I gotta say though, you have to love a places that has signs saying it’s illegal to ride snowmobiles on US Rt. 212.
  15. I just read that W. Yellowstone averages 170” of snow. Seems doable. What are the nearby ski areas?
  16. The Black Hills were really cool. Custer State Park has some stunning drives.
  17. Yes. Tons of bison wandering on the highway. We left through the northeast gate and the Beartooth Pass.
  18. So, Yellowstone, definitely not overrated. Crowds weren’t as bad as I thought they would be until we went to Old Faithful today and even then you could go out into the Geyser Basins away from the Lodge and Visitor Center and not be crushed with people. Northwest Wyoming and the little bit of Montana we’ve been in is spectacular. Tomorrow we start the trip back east by way of Grand Teton.
  19. Yesterday we did the wildlife loop in Custer. The bison herd was near the middle the loop, near the wildlife center. We drive through them and also saw a couple of pronghorns, a ton of prairie dogs and the burros. Then, instead of completing the loop, we took a back, gravel road to Wind Cave. We were the only car for miles. We saw another herd of bison, more prairie dogs and a coyote that was pouncing on something. It felt like we were back in the 1800’s.
  20. Not to distract from the endless Covid talk but I had a pretty cool weather day. Today was a travel say from the Black Hills to Cody, WY. When we left SD it was cool and damp. It rained on and off for a part of the way to Buffalo, WY and temps were in the low 60’s. I did not research the road between Buffalo and Cody though and did not realize it is actually called the Cloud Peak Scenic Skyway. https://travelwyoming.com/listings/cloud-peak-skyway-scenic-byway This road was spectacular and that was in pretty heavy rain. It tops out at 9666’ in the Powder River Pass and then goes down through the Ten Sleeps Canyon. On top the car thermo read 40° and there was graupel mixed with rain at times. The peaks around the pass still had patches of snow, I thought of your dog PF. On the other side we went through a huge stretch of arid, empty land and the temp got up to 83°. We are in Cody now and will do some exploring tomorrow. Wyoming is crazy and we haven’t even gotten to Yellowstone or the Tetons yet.
  21. Me too, at the Home Depot in W. Leb. Lebanon city ordinance was still in place.
  22. Why? Did you miss this sight?
  23. Lol. I have bitter Bruins fans for friends. Hockey is dead to them for the year.
  24. I’m probably the lone Habs fan who posts in the NE forum. All you Bruins fans are going to support me right? Edit: there is one other guy, is that you?
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