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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Yikes. Local news just bullseyed us for 3” of rain Saturday through Sunday. Looks like all outdoor activities will need to be done by Saturday afternoon.
  2. Definitely better than a dog track.
  3. I know there are quite a few old school rap fans here. Sad to say you all lost Just a Friend https://www.google.com/amp/s/pitchfork.com/news/biz-markie-has-died-at-57/amp/
  4. They've been around longer than that. https://www.caranddriver.com/features/g15378765/worth-the-watt-a-brief-history-of-the-electric-car-1830-to-present/
  5. I'm more concerned with charge rate than the range. If the range is only 150 miles but I could re-charge as quickly as I can fill the tank up, I could live with it, provided we could expect range to get better.
  6. Our cat has been a mouse destroyer for the 11 years we've had him. Unfortunately some of the wildlife in the area have been victims too. No birds that I can remember but chipmunks, moles, voles, a rat once (outside thank god). He has also almost been done in himself a couple of times. Once he had what looked like talon holes on either side of his spine. I think a hawk or something tried grab him. He's pretty tough.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. My windows are like that. You need a slight tilt so condensate drips out the back.
  8. I did something similar when I was 10 or 11. We had bbq'd and I told my dad that I would clean up. I too thought the coals were out so I took the tin foil wrapped leftovers and threw them in the trash can, in our garage, next to my parent's new car. A little while later we were sitting on the porch talking to a neighbor, ironically about a string of arsons in the area, when the neighbor said, "I can smell smoke now". Yup, the trash in our garage was on fire. My dad was not too impressed with my clean up skills! The car, a new to them 1976 Buick Electra did not get damaged.
  9. Drop the temps 40° and there is your 100” of snow in 3 weeks.
  10. Sunday River is a bit of a drive isn’t it?
  11. I've always wanted to play Maplewood in Bethlehem. It's a Donald Ross design. Also want to play Mt. Washington. It's a Ross course too.
  12. MPV is at 2.5" for the month, which is .88" above and -.8° for temps. Feels like a desert compared to SNE though
  13. Up to .66" on the day. I think it started around 6:30. That's a decent drink. Now it can stop so I can play golf this afternoon
  14. Watch out SNE, we are starting to catch up. .12 on the day so far!
  15. We have the worst of both worlds. No sun here, solid overcast all day but no rain either.
  16. He is moving west. We had .01" overnight
  17. I wanted to tie Glacier in on our recent trip to the Black Hills and Yellowstone but it was just too long a drive. I’ll get there someday though.
  18. I see the “Sent from” note on the bottom of your post. Finally gave up on the sunken iPhone huh?
  19. @hubbdave. Hope it’s still going when you get there.
  20. Yeah, my station has recorded .61 for the week. I should get a manual gauge so I have some comparison.
  21. My first thought for my Black Hills/Yellowstone trip was to fly into Rapid City and rent a car. Ended up driving out because I couldn't stomach the price for a car. Not sure I made out much better because of extra hotel nights but I like road trips and stopped at other places on the way there and back.
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