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Everything posted by BlizzardNole

  1. The heck's going out in Stephens City and Elkins?! Is it the CAD not deep enough out there bec. you're west? Thanks all for these ground truth obs -- I'm comparing with the precip. depiction on Radarscope to see how accurate it is. 35 degrees in Germantown, waiting on precip.
  2. That's crazy. I was in New Jersey in the great ice storm of 1994 and saw 18 degrees and mod frz rain. Never had seen such a low temp before with liquid rain falling.
  3. That was first freeze for me and it was a hard one -- 25 degrees. Instant death for my tropical milkweeds, lantana and other annuals.
  4. Starting out November in mid/upper 70s? Our back windows are filled with the brilliant red and orange of maple trees. Look out the side windows and we see full green trees, verdant grass and a bloomed-out butterfly bush that still has a few customers.
  5. I grew up in northern Calvert. Except for a once-in-a-while event, that place was terrible for a snow lover. I would love Topper's forecast to verify.
  6. Need to mow badly. Choice between wet grass today or mowing in the summer heat tomorrow. I might do it this afternoon to avoid watching the Noles get their eyeballs beaten out by Miami.
  7. 1.8 yesterday and 3.7 since Monday. June: 3.9 July: 10.0 August: 6.65 September: 9.3
  8. I was in a race against that thunderstorm to the Germantown MARC station (6:05 PM). We got there just 4-5 minutes before it unleashed. It was DARK as we rolled in and people tensed up and reached for their helpless umbrellas thinking we were going to get hosed bad. Thanks to good ol' Radarscope, I knew we were good. It hit HARD as I was driving home. Had one CTG strike hit just a few hundred feet from the house just as I walked in. It was cool seeing on that Real Time Lightning website right where it hit, two streets over. Picked up 0.7 and have 7.5 for September. My foot slid and made a big divot just walking in the back yard to the rain gauge.
  9. Sunny with highs in the low to mid 70s for several days straight starting Saturday? I will have to see it to believe it, but man it would be glorious.
  10. 48 hours ago I was 95/72 and 24 hours ago 88/70. Now 63/54! Picked up 0.75 last night.
  11. Wow that's got to be a fun rush hour around DC! It's going to be strange seeing the temps fall all day tomorrow to about 60 by evening. Going from July to October in a day.
  12. Good grief -- they need a traffic cop in the Atlantic with all these systems. Paging El Nino -- what are you doing?
  13. Just had a TINY pop-up shower pass through with moderate rain for a couple of minutes with full sun. That was weird! Thing looked about a quarter mile across on radar.
  14. Lots of games had long delays yesterday due to lightning, and we got chased out of our Clarksburg High game Friday night. Poor Nebraska -- after over two and a half hours of lightning, they cancelled their long-awaited opener with a new coach and won't be making that game up. Happened to Iowa State too. I'm worried about my FSU - VA Tech game tomorrow night, with clusters of westward propagating t-storms likely all afternoon and evening. Man are we looking hot next week! No more polos at work; back to long-sleeved shirts and ties.
  15. My parched lawn and garden need rain so bad. Once nice cell formed just north over Clarksburg, another just south over Gaithersburg, and they are moving NE away. Brilliant.
  16. Looking forward to this heat being over, and hopefully some rain. Boston is sure getting it bad -- 83/72 at 5 am and going up to near 100 with hx approaching 110.
  17. It was great! Picked up 2.2 inches. It was much, much needed as my yard was parched after almost no rain since 8/3 and it might be a while before we have another chance.
  18. I want that! Pro Tier 1 only $10 a year so I'm pulling the trigger.
  19. Pretty good rain and some thunder in NE DC, winding down now. Based on radar, looks like Germandesert will stay dry. The lawn was hard as concrete when I mowed yesterday.
  20. I'm in DC so I will actually get to see some heavy rain. I hope there is some lightning with it as I have hardly seen any this summer.
  21. Had a big yard project to do today (garden beds clean-up and mulching), and could't ask for better conditions with overcast and mid-70s. Things are dry though with a paltry 0.27 since August 8. I'm really happy about the beautiful weather for later this week, including Friday when we move our son into the dorm at UMD College Park. Hoping for some rain tomorrow, but not counting on it.
  22. Woke up to thunder at 2:30 am and checked Radarscope -- warned t-storm slipping just south through Gaithersburg/Rockville. Picked up a big 0.08.
  23. LOL and that is why I was out this morning heavily watering my parched garden beds. I am calling in now -- nothing tomorrow or Sunday either.
  24. Let's see how good ol' Stephens City does here. Anyone got some CAPE numbers for central MD? It is sooooo hot out there.
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