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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. Yeah. That's been my issue with this winter. December has blown..really since Thanksgiving or so. Missed opportunities. Sometimes that happens..it is what it is. I'd accept it if we had the typical GOAK trough that makes it more mild..but we had some bad luck. That looks to change somewhat. Bigger changes probably in Jan.
  2. Canadian seems to offer the best solution.
  3. The cutter seems inevitable. GFS with the headfake, but in its defense...that was far enough out where all models have that headfake. We may go through a 2014 period as I said earlier with a mix of a little snow and maybe a cutter or two. Next week could start as a little snow or mix, but probably gets mild and turns to rain for many. Still time to get a more CAD solution..but seems like a liquid scenario is inevitable. Massive changes again to the good later in the 11-15 day. You can see how the run to run adjustments are likely due to Pacific reshuffling and the vortex split in the stratosphere.
  4. I’m kidding. I do see Ray’s point but then I feel bad about seeing snow disappear for people. You guys will be fine. Crazy differences in elevation.
  5. Jesus man. I hope it all works out. Thinking of you guys.
  6. Well maybe feb 95 beat that but its close.
  7. Ha yep. I remember that. Best ice event I’ve seen. Pretty special.
  8. Good....good. Soon we’ll all be on the same playing field.
  9. So instead of 65 and rain it’s 55. Boy is winter saved!
  10. Yeah not sure why the angst there. I see a split into Hudson Bay too.
  11. I don’t agree. What PV split into Europe? Up here we don’t need -15F departures for snow.
  12. Hopefully the snow doesn’t melt and unveil bodies on Mitch’s property.
  13. It defintely supports cutters into early Jan. Not sure how it happens, but we aren’t done. Might be a little 2014 where it was snow—-cutter—-snow etc.
  14. 45-55 AWT. They’ll always be some iso gusts higher but no need to GGW. That’s typical of some damage which we have.
  15. Look at the reports. Typical isolated spots on coast and a 635’ hill. Otherwise run of the mill. Find me an ASOS over 40kts other than MQE. Most were 45-55mph.
  16. EPS has more PAC jet influence, but it’s still adjusting I think and shuffling. It was ok, but seemed serviceable.
  17. Feels nice with shorts and t shirt in house. Torch of yore. Jurassic yore.
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